I feel that late check in times are a deterrent to travelers...
I feel that late check in times are a deterrent to travelers who want to enjoy the space and just relax, not just have a plac...
Is anyone else having trouble with the airbnb app? I had it downloaded on my iphone 6 then one day it just decided to give me an error message and I can no longer log on. I have deleted and re downloaded app several times but it still gives me the same message saying something like can not find or connect to host server... This is strange given that all my other apps are working.
If anyone can help I'd appreicate it 🙂
I had the same issue. It only worked with wifi. Then I discovered it wasn't working with cellular data (3G/4G etc). Fixed it by going into settings/mobile data scroll down to find airbnb icon and use mobile data in the app (switch to green). Not sure why it was as switched off but it's working now so Easy fix!
OMG!!! After weeks of agony. Problem solved. THANK YOU Christina
Is this solution applicable only to IOS or also to Android?
I get this message after I had to reset my phone to factory settings and I always get he same message when I try to connect to the application after downloading again. I still can't overcome it, has someone solved it for Android?
Thanks so much. All sorted now. When I switched mobile data back on (and I’d never turned it off!) I could then read my message from the air bnb help centre and they never suggested this simple remedy! Thank goodness for you!
Thank you so much Christine!! I was getting extremely frustrated with this issue and it never would have occurred to me to check if the ‘use mobile data’ was switched off, but after reading your solution I checked and of course it was! So thanks to you it was an extremely easy fix to my issue!! Thanks again for posting this!
WOW!! Ive called airbnb several times, and they need to know this!! I kept getting an 'error' message and couldn't see my listing on my app...Mahalo as we say in Hawaii for fixing the problem...and it was an instant fix!! Aloha from Hawaii...Robin
Thx! problem solved! 🙂
THIS IS NOT RESOLVED. I use a PC laptop for AIrBnB. I have cleaned the cache and so on. Please give me an ANSWER NOW. I really need this information.
Same issue for me in browser, tried it on the app working flawlessly !
Thanks. This solved the problem!!!!!
Thanks!!! that is finaly it!
Somehow it's still not working on any iOS device that's my family have such as
-iPhone 6
-iPhone 4
but on my personal android phone just working fine without any problem at all.
I had this problem too, on my Iphone 5S. I kept getting an error message that said, "these credentials don't seem right" (or some variation of that. I spoke to an Airbnb rep for a while, and this is what finally worked:
Assuming that you have Safari on your Iphone:
1) go to Safari and click on it.
2) type airbnb.com into your URL/browser on your iphone
3) you should discover that airbnb is already open
(at this point, you can just use the site from here, or, if you prefer to resolve the problem with your app, which I highly recommend, assuming that you know your username and password)
4) click the airbnb icon in the upper-left of your iphone, to access the menu to log out, and LOG OUT.
5) Hit the round home button at the bottom of your iphone, to locate your airbnb app and enter your username and password.
This worked for me. The issue apparently was that airbnb was already open on my phone's url, and couldn't figure out how to open via the app. at the same time.
I hope that this helps.
didn't work thanks
Didn’t solve the issue on my IPhone 6S either.
Thanks so much Christine, easy fix. Airbnb owes you one for doing their job!