airbnb does not want to pay damages

Level 1
Vladivostok, Russia

airbnb does not want to pay damages

my friends, community members, hosts. I want to warn you. we are faced with a refusal to compensate for damage, it would seem that this is not possible but it is. we receive guests in the Russian city of Vladivostok, we are the superhost. the guest caused us damage, tore off the cord of the mechanism of the Roman blind. we reported this to the airbnb and repaired the curtain at our own expense and provided a check for payment for repairs to the airbnb for 600 rubles. a pitiful ridiculous sum. a week later we received a refusal refund because we did not attach a video of this curtain, you submit a video, the photo is not enough. we are clairvoyants or what needs to be done video damage. be careful friends. I now realized that airbnb is not a guarantor. 

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