airbnb is not ready for small hotels

airbnb is not ready for small hotels

My husband and I own 2 small hotels and a B&B, 5, 6 and 8 rooms.  I am finding the linkage from our Resnexus software works well.  However, when there are problems, airbnb has been horrible to deal with.   There are so many things lacking in their platform such as:


being able to add parking fees at the time of booking

showing payouts within the reservation (and status if customer paid or not.)

no dedicated support nor easy access to support


Perhaps most frustrating is having to set up multiple accounts , one for each hotel.  Airbnb support will not talk to you unless you are calling from the number on file for that account.  That is not even possible since our number is a redirector.  


I am so frustrated with airbnb right now .   

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Robert5458 Airbnb claimed recently it was going back to its roots. I guess these don't include hotels like yours. Perhaps would be more suitable for you.

Level 10
Alberta, Canada


@Robert5458 Airbnb has big fish to fry. Hopefully you're busy building your own platform.