What hosts are saying

    Hello fellow ABB community. We have all probably heard or read stories of people stranded in a country that's not one's home country as a result of Coronavirus. Taking into account future generations who may one day be studying past history for whatever r...
    Here's an interesting article i just came across: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/airbnb-coronavirus-losses It states that 60% (!!!) of Airbnb hosts have MORE than TWO OTHER listings and argues that Airbnb has become nothing more than a hotel chain. Sadly... Latest reply by Huma0
    If my place sleeps 8, are guests allind to bring additional guests in during the day? I'm afraid 8 can turn into 20 real quick. What are my options if that is proven true by my neighbors and/it Ring Cam? Latest reply by Elena87
    hello, i wrote you about my problemsairbnb didnt do anything, what should i do with this post, it comes every day moe timeevery day a lot post about russian agents who want to anage my empty flat Stella5:17 PMДoбpый день. Меня зoвyт Маpина. Если y вас ... Latest reply by Elena87
    I have just had a very bad experience as a co-host. In Switzerland. The Greek owner of the Swiss apartment I co-hosted, has not paid three commissions and fees for cleaning and laundry for the past three guests totalling over 1250 CHFs. Her comment to me... Latest reply by Stephanie