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Welcome to the Community Center! I'm @Elisa , one of the Community Managers for our English Community Cent...
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I am getting a bit frustrated with this and hoping someone can help me understand why this is happening. It is very unhelpful to the host to not be able to see the ratings of the guest on the system without turning on instabook. If I have it on or off, I still get charged the service fee from Airbnb, but get less help from Airbnb's rating system if it is off.
Why is this still not corrected now that we have a new Global Head of Hosting to help hosts? Would like to discuss this some more with everyone since this is causing major uncertainty when booking guests and is at the main point of confusion for hosts dealing with guests.
This is still part of Airbnb's push to get hosts to turn on Instant book. I doubt it will ever change. I honestly wouldn't be too concerned with seeing the star ratings or not. They hold very little value as one hosts 5 star for cleanliness is another hosts 3 star. It's the written reviews that counts; if only all hosts would truthfully write them.
This is still part of Airbnb's push to get hosts to turn on Instant book. I doubt it will ever change. I honestly wouldn't be too concerned with seeing the star ratings or not. They hold very little value as one hosts 5 star for cleanliness is another hosts 3 star. It's the written reviews that counts; if only all hosts would truthfully write them.
@Lisa723 This happens to me from time to time. I think it's a glitch. Sometimes if I archive the message thread and then look at it from the archived inbox I can see the star ratings. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
The current anomalies with the ratings could also be as a result of the rumoured app and website redesign that ex-Apple Chief Design Office Jony Ive and his firm LoveFrom have been brought onboard to oversee, as part of a 'special multiyear collaboration' with Airbnb. The ratings system is rumoured to be included in the revamp.
I will wait to see this revamp. The above post is not from this revamp as of yet. I am aware of the recent addition of Jony Ive and Love From, but am very positive its not his work.
I don’t find guest ratings & reviews terribly helpful. I’ve had guests with no reviews who were lovely. I’ve had 5* rated guests who were terrible.
the thing that is very reliable is how they present themselves during messaging. Are they pleasant, do they understand the listing, are they curt, do they take liberties...
and I don’t expect ABB will be fixing this anytime soon, best to find your own way forward
It seems to me that hosts who are accustomed to using IB put far more value on and trust in the star ratings than is warranted. Star ratings are totally subjective- what I might consider a 5* guest you might consider a 3* guest.
I have never used IB. I can tell far more about a guest by the written reviews that were left for them, the reviews they have left for past hosts and the way they communicate with me than I would ever glean from seeing star ratings. Which I think should be eliminated altogether, both for hosts and guests.
I had an enquiry a couple of days ago. (I use IB) Because it was only an enquiry, not a booking, the column on the right of the inbox/message screen said, in blue/green "1 review". I could read the review, but not see the stars....
HOWEVER, when I then archived the message, (after telling them they would be breaking new lockdown rules) - with no booking made, I COULD see the star ratings, after all! - So star ratings = not visible in pending enquiry, but visible once I'd archived! And I didn't even need to hit decline!
I'd be interested to know if this might work with non IB hosts @Sarah977 @Rajan2
If I were hosting now, I'd check. But I honestly have zero interest in guests' star ratings. There's been plenty of posts here from hosts who had guests from hell who they said had several 5 star reviews.
Just checking their past reviews if they have any and exchanging messages with them tells me all I need to know. @Helen350
I know you don't need stars, just thought you were interested in devious work arounds/ tech peculiarities! - I was thrilled to see the cheeky woman who wanted 9 days for 2 during a holiday ban had 2 stars... a pleasure to turn her down!
I was not aware of this work-around but will try it out.