We have a second house that we Airbnb when we are not there...
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We have a second house that we Airbnb when we are not there. The community has since changed the bi-laws that prohibit us fr...
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my question is about payment to host when guest checks in. My understanding is hosts get paid when guest checks in. But is it safe to assume that "check in" is just a date in airbnb system? what is best way for guests to protect themselves if host does not provide access to property? I understand this is quite rare. But is is possible to have host with no prior rentals. If i show up at check in date and time and there is no key and i am unable to reach host and will notify airbnb immediately that i was not allowed to check in and host will tell airbnb i am lying, what happens next? How can i prove to airbnb that i am telling the truth?
@Johanna394 airbnb idea of customer service is to get children from some gutter in some third world country and tell them to pretend to provide customer service. so called community sucks as well. if i had time to waste and someone asked question like mine this is what i would say "print your airbnb receipt showing address, call police, ask for police report, give it to airbnb as proof, if they say not good enough, take them to court. dispute charges with credit card". and speaking of courts i read there is long line of municipalities suing airbnb to get taxes they suppose to collect, so may be long line.
@Elaine772okay, if you already had a plan of action, why would you "ask" for community's help? Especially since you seem to so disregard everything as worthless.
No need to reply. Best of luck, hopefully somewhere else than in Airbnbs.
police is a little busy in US compared with Finland. i was hopping someone here has better idea, but it turned out so called "community" is bunch of empty heads
great, tyvm. hopefully airbnb will see what i think of them
@Elaine772 You seem to only be posting on this forum in order to insult other posters. I can only imagine what an objectionable guest you would be. Please do everyone a favor and book hotels, not impose your rudeness on hosts of private homes.
i am not here to make friends, just get information. and if not for covid i would stay .... away from private homes. rented using airbnb in a past in Europe, never had a problem. but now airbnb public company, totally different story. i have to be careful considering bad thing already happened to me. please do not bother to reply to me. do something else with your time. sorry you see me as rude, may be you can do some brain exercises and come up with some useful ideas.
I have also earlier today flagged you. This board is to provide knowledge and support from other hosts. It is not somewhere where you crap on those trying to help you.
@M199, get it in your thick head, nobody here helped me, nobody. this board is useless, customer service is useless. airbnb is place from hell. i hope expedia will take their business away. airbnb years ago was great. i only used it in Europe, places exactly as described, spotless clean, hosts will go out of their way to help, now all i worry about my money being stolen. there are places being offered from superhosts with hundreds of reviews, that are fake. one place i looked at had major construction and superhost refuses to disclose it. what are my chances of reporting this superhost to airbnb and they will actually do something about it? i think zero. airbnb became this cesspool with lying hosts, non existing customer service, tax collection avoidance. Needless to say i could not care less what any of you think, all that matters what Brian thinks and he is killing it cashing in.
@Elaine772 I doff my cap to any host who has the lucky foresight to not let you check in. You sound about as pleasant as a diaper rash, and as immature as those who suffer them.
do you know how to read english? where did i say there is some host that did not allow me to check in?
please fo
So sorry that you think "I have a fat head". Your post has been viewed globally over 150 times, most decide not to venture an opinion. Unforunately for you, you have put to the world your point of view and inability to heed the advice of those more experienced. Opportunity lost.
Best wishes for 2022.
do you think i have chance of getting thru your head? if most of 150 read my posts may be they will decide to rent on vrbo or some other site. because so far airbnb is place from hell
BTW - I had a very successful career and life until Cancer found me. Luckily, it was caught early and I am now a survivor. Remember, in life, what goes around, comes around.
Again, all my best wishes to you and your family.
i am sorry about your health. you have no idea how many people i helped in my career. I was never good on message boards. i have problem, i post, members please find solution and if you cant find it or solution does not exist dont bother me with some nonsense or question my credibility. this is how i think and i am not here to make friends. i only posted to bring awareness to how bad airbnb is. if i helped some people to avoid 3 hour phone call with support to cancel reservation or think in a advance what happens if host lies about having a listing, i say mission accomplished. Best wished to you and your family in 2022 and to everyone who responded.
Signing off