Hi, I used to list my space on Airbnb before the Local Law 1...
Hi, I used to list my space on Airbnb before the Local Law 18 went into effect requiring registrations for short term rental ...
We haves guest coming from China? I am considering cancelling their booking out of concern for my family with regards to the Coronavirus. What would the ramifications be with my superhost rating?
Thanks in advance.
@Susie-and-Miles0 @Elly23 @Marina797 @Marie1341 there is another thread on this CC with more answers and suggestions so go and find it.
Airbnb recently decided to hide the city where Chinese guests come from but keep it visible for all other guests from all over the world. Obviously, ABB don't want their hosts to cancel guests from the infected area. But, you can take a reverse phone number search to see where your guests are from, it's here https://www.emobiletracker.com/free-trace-china.html
I have the same position...... Guests flying in from China tomorrow - any advice on how to handle this situation?
If you don't feel safe hosting guests that are arriving straight from China, you could place your guests in a hotel nearby at a price they have already paid for. As far as I know, Airbnb hasn't let hosts out of the hook for penalties in case Chinese guests get their bookings cancelled at last minute. I hope this helps you.
Same problem here. I've had a few guests from China in the last couple of days and several more to come in the next weeks. How am I supposed to handle this situation? I'd really like to know what Airbnb's position is to this regard...
The coronavirus problem is real. When we welcome guests coming from Asia (China in particular) we have no idea where exactly they come from, how long they've been traveling around....how can we protect ourselves and our homes if no one has actually any idea of what is going on and how risky it is to phisically get in touch with people coming from those countries?
I have the same issue. Guests coming from Singapore in the next 2 days. Are we safe ?
@Susie-and-Miles0 @Elly23 @Marina797 @Marie1341 there is another thread on this CC with more answers and suggestions so go and find it.
Airbnb recently decided to hide the city where Chinese guests come from but keep it visible for all other guests from all over the world. Obviously, ABB don't want their hosts to cancel guests from the infected area. But, you can take a reverse phone number search to see where your guests are from, it's here https://www.emobiletracker.com/free-trace-china.html
I believe the host or guest can cancel a reservation if they are from Wuhan with no penalty. If not from that area of China I think it is treated as a normal cancellation with ramifications as such for the host or the guest depending on who cancelled.
I also have a guest coming from China from an area other than Wuhan. We are treating it normally and using normal precautions such as hand washing etc. It is dramatic and has health ramifications but I think a bigger risk is driving my car to work. However, everyone should make there own decisions based on what they feel is right for them and their family.
I had 4 guests from Taiwan 2 days ago. In Taiwan 3 people died because of coronavirus, that's a fact...
And how many have died from the flu this year alone...? I think these fears are greatly overblown. I wouldn't be worried unless they were from Wuhan. Also, nobody in Taiwan has died from Coronavirus. There are 7 infected patients and they're all in stable condition.
What an incredibly rude thing to say @Bluedoodleol0
It is irrelevant where a host or guest comes from or what she looks like . Surely you know we are an inclusive community .Not one that discriminates based on where someone is from or their appearance. Shocking that as a host you feels it's acceptable to publicly berate someone based on the country they come from.
As you know about 33 million Americans — 10.1% of the total population — self-identify as being of Irish ancestry and there are more Irish people living in the US then there are at home in Ireland.
You have shown yourself to be bigoted and ignorant in your comments. As someone who is Irish born you embarrass me and I am sure all other Irish hosts reading this drivel @Susan17 .
Stop being an eejit @Bluedoodleol0
WOW I hope you are getting loads of guests. I doubt you are but good luck.
And also I don't care who is from Ireland and who isn't neither do Airbnb. Who gives a **bleep**
Id prob never even admi that whats your thing about Ireland who gives a **bleep**. I don't care about Irish or americans who cares
I can tell you now irish people who have bought loads of properties to rent on Airbnb are crapping themselves , those who are just renting a room in their house are also crapping themselves incase they spread it and are monitoring situation. Thats it . m not bigoted or arrogant just a host with a small rm in my home whom everyone stays loves and get loads of bookings