instant book settings allow guests with one star rating to instantly book with you!

Level 3
Dallas, TX

instant book settings allow guests with one star rating to instantly book with you!

I just had a guest with less than 5 star rating instantly book with me. Upon contacting support asking how a guest with "less than positive prior reviews" was able to by pass my setting I was informed that Airbnb does not take host ratings into consideration when deciding what is and what is not a "positive review."  Rather it is based solely on hosts answer to the last questions - would you recommend this guest?  Further, if you switch off instant booking, you do not have access to a guest's rating at all! SO WHY BOTHER HAVING HOSTS RATE GUESTS AT ALL! 

I could not find anywhere on the platform that made this transparent to hosts. I sent feedback suggesting that hosts should be able to demand a 5 star rating if they want to, along with the ability of a guest to request a stay and explain the low rating if asked.  There are many hosts out there who do not mind taking a low rating guest. I do and should have the ability to make that my standard. 

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Noreen18  "Further, if you switch off instant booking, you do not have access to a guest's rating at all! "


You apparently think this is an intolerable thing. I have never used IB. I put little value in star ratings-they are entirely subjective and tell me nothing.  What you might consider a 2* guest, another host could consider a 4* guest. 


And plenty of hosts have gotten guests with 5* ratings who turned out to be atrocious guests.


I go on written reviews and how the guest communicates with me when requesting to book. I've also accepted guests with no reviews but who communicated well. And I have never had a bad guest.


It is interesting, though, that apparently even a guest with a 1*rating can IB, as long as some hosts have indicated they would host them again, because that isn't what hosts on this forum have understood to be the case from my reading.


I would be quite happy for Airbnb to do away completely with star ratings, for both hosts and guests.

I get you Sarah.  I too have accepted guests with no prior reviews based on how they communicate with me when they request to book (which they have to do if they don't meet the IB standards).  Also, I have had some 5 star guests end up being very messy.  My point is, shouldn't this be up to each host individually? If they want to accept only 5 star guests hence perhaps having fewer bookings, shouldn't that be up to them? If the instant book setting says your guest requirement is based on prior host recommendations AND no negative reviews, what is a negative review other than a low rating? I doubt there is an algorithm out there that analyzes the wording of each review to determine if it is negative or not!  Put quite simply, this is NOT taken into consideration at all. Just that thumbs up or thumbs down is. 

The way it is now, the ratings mean nothing so I'm with you - do away with them and do away with IB. Just don't deceive hosts like this. 

p.s. We have a house in San Pancho 🙂

@Noreen18  Oh,cool, you're my neighbor, at least some of the year. How often do you come down? 

Every Christmas. Aside from this past one 😞  

My brother is actually the owner. He rents it out on VRBO the rest of the year. 

@Noreen18 And I go to Canada every summer, but not this past one 😞

If you like, make a note of my tag here and send me a PM when you come down next time. I live in the quiet countryside on the outskirts of the Sayulita madness. Come for a beer or some iced tea. I even have entertainment for the kids- puzzles, crayons, some kid vids.

We will definitely take you up on that Sarah! And you are most welcome to pop in for a margarita or two at Casa Las Piedras!