long term reservation

Level 2
Arroyo Seco, NM

long term reservation

Hello. I have a guest looking to rent my home for 11 months. Is there a process of invoice I can provide him with or do they just book as one would regularly through the site?

10 Replies 10
Level 4
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Hi, I had a couple wanting to rent my flat for around 18 months, I told them I would rent it to them for 28 days at a time through Airbnb,never heard back from them.


Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Long term reservations are charged/payed in monthly installments. If it is for work, the guest can add business information to the reservation:

How do i add business info to my itineray


11 months is very long, bu sure to read all HELP-information about "long term stays", e.g:

What are some things i should consider before hosting longterm guests  

and more




Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

It seems foolish to accept an 11 month reservation through Airbnb. Once they stay for a month, they would have tenant rights in most jurisdictions, Airbnb doesn't hold a real security deposit, and only the first month's payment is guaranteed. So if they turn out to be horrible tenants, you would have a hard time evicting them or if they cause damages you will likely never get reimbursed for that. @Whitney140


Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Whitney140   I would not accept a reservation of this length via AirBnB.  You need to be aware of your local laws determining the difference between a short term reservation (usually under 30 days) and a long term rental.  A reservation of this length is no longer a short term rental, but long term, and there are specific rules and regulations that now apply.   A person who has mail delivered to them, changes a utility bill to the address, has a credit card or picture ID changed to that address is a tenant, not a guest, and may not leave at the end of the Airbnb reservation but continue in residence as per tenant laws.  Eviction could take months and months.  I would certainly speak to a real estate professional or attorney before accepting rentals of any kind, particularly those for more than 30 days.  Understanding your legal rights and responsibilities as a host are very important.


Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Any updates @Whitney140 ?