Im originally from the Bay Area California, now a resident o...
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Im originally from the Bay Area California, now a resident of New Orleans..and loving it herethis is my first experience with...
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We have been getting a slew of inquiries for dates that are not available. I respond with my usual polite yadda yadda ("check us out on dates in X and X month" etc etc) and have been getting guest responses such as the below:
"I can't believe you are booked! Who is traveling right now?"
" I thought you had to block off most dates for COVID-19 prep. How is it possible you are booked when we want to stay?"
"Wow, its hard to believe that is true! Are you sure you can't fit us in?"
I don't know about others but I am seeing a huge surge in stays from people who are in our state or closely neighboring/easy drive distance states. If I had five listings I could fill them. Guests seem to be unaware that this is the case and respond in disbelief. Is anyone else having this experience? I think many guests are expecting empty rooms and discounts and are unhappy when that is not the reality.
It seems that these potential guests live in "it's my world only", because it's laughable that they believe they're the only people who want to travel.
I re-opened my apartment in Atlanta last month, and all of my guests in July were from out of state. My current guest is longer term in between homes.
@Debra300 yes some of the responses are a tad accusatory, which makes me scratch my head a bit. If a guest is looking for accommodation, wouldn't it be logical that hosts might be hosting as well? Maybe its because we have the enhanced clean protocol that they believe we have to close down lots of days. But then why prod gently that those days must be available?
@Laura2592 people tend to think they're more special/original than they actually are
"Yes indeed! I'm so in demand, I'm thinking about doubling my prices!" 😉
@Laura2592 These people sound like they have some sort of brain dysfunction. Makes me glad I can't host a home-share right now if this is the intelligence level of the guest pool right now.
@Sarah977 My current pharmacist guest appears to think it would not be dangerous to let out all 3 of my rooms with shared bathroom.....(but I'm only letting one, to comply with gov. guidelines.) These professionals must know something the popular press don't!
@Helen350 Unfortunately, there are plenty of "professionals" who are giving out erroneous and dangerous advice concerning the virus. I'm far more inclined to listen to the advice of the world's top epidemiologists than some pharmacist or GP.
Just as I wouldn't trust a carpenter to give me the most accurate advice on electrical wiring, even though both electricians and carpenters are in the building trade.
I don't share a bathroom with guests, but we share the kitchen. There is no way I am sharing a kitchen during a pandemic. I miss hosting, but I'm not willing to risk my health or my life to do it.
@Laura2592 I can relate to this expect it is from those among my community. They say things like "I'm sorry you've lost your Airbnb business." Or "It must be hard relying on an Airbnb when no one is traveling." If only they knew. They must be living under a rock. My state is packed with tourists right now.
@Laura2592 "If I had 5 listings I would fill them" - amen, sister. I have three and they're packed.
These sorts of comments from guests reinforce my belief that there is social media buzz about how hosts are suffering and will take any booking they can get. I don't frequent social media sites, but this is my suspicion.