"Smart ARbnb" - Smart home with augmented reality

"Smart ARbnb" - Smart home with augmented reality

Dear Hosts,
I am Tomas, an Industrial design student from the Netherlands. Currently, I am doing a project where I combine Augmented reality, Airbnb, and smart home systems. I would really appreciate it if you could give me some feedback about the idea and tell me what kind of benefits and drawbacks you see.

Here you can find  a short introduction text or you can visit the project website: https://smartarbnb.com/
"Smart ARbnb combines a web application and small blinking devices called  "IoT indicators" to create an easy smart home interface for your guests. The tool uses a mobile camera to scan IoT indicators and let guests change the smart devices' settings, for example, light strips color and brightness.  Additionally, guests can use scene presets to change the atmosphere, creating a wonderful experience, or visually see current smart home automations to understand what is happening at the rented accommodation."


The main questions that I am interested in, but any thoughts would be valuable:
• Does this idea look desirable and usable for Airbnb hosting?
• Would you use this or a similar system in your rented property?
• What kind of problems or benefits you see with this system?

Thank you very much for your thoughts and opinions!

4 Replies 4
Level 5
Richmond, ME

Anything 'smart' is dangerous in my opinion. Too much technology can be a benefit but can also be hacked, malfunction, etc. I think privacy would be an issue as well for guests knowing that there are cameras in certain areas. I am old school so the more technology the less I would be interested but we are in a world where millennials like that stuff so it might work for you. Not sure older guests would like that - having too many controls can confuse the older crowds. 

I would not be interested in this. Good Luck!

Hi Vivian!
Thanks for your reply! 🙂
I really appreciate it!

Hallo, @Tomas277 , i love house automation and will look  at your side.


Maybe you know the design study of Isil Uzum



I wrote some threads in german CC:


House automation:



Indoor navigation:







Level 10
Sofia, Bulgaria

A Pokemon, showing the way to your bungalow on the beach or navigating you through the endless hotel corridors...why not. 🙂