Hello,I was wondering what other hosts in the west of Irelan...
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Hello,I was wondering what other hosts in the west of Ireland/west Mayo pay for cleaning. My cleaner has recently increased h...
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Hi everyone,
I've just received a warning e-mail from Airbnb saying "Your ads may be suspended" because I have refused my last 3 requests. However, we have had to refuse quite a few requests over the last year (during the pandemic) because some guests try to book with too many people (which is currently still prohibited and not in accordance with the corona measures in our country). Despite the fact that it is clearly stated in our description that we are currently not allowed to rent our house at full capacity and also give a reduction due to that. Also, Airbnb does not give us the possibility as a host to (temporarily) lower the capacity during this corona pandemic. So we still advertise our accommodation at the maximum capacity (for reservations in the later future) & clearly state in the description that we rent it out until early July 2021 at a significantly reduced capacity (and reduced price). However, we still receive requests from guests with very large groups that don't give a sh*t, which we are therefore forced to refuse (as host we risk a fine of 4000€). We also don't want our accommodation to be removed from Airbnb because of these refusals...
I've already contacted Airbnb customer service for this, but the quality of their service is not what it used to be... Their answer was: "then lower the capacity of your home if you don't want to receive these emails". Which is not a solution because then guests who want to come later in the year would not be able to book our house at full capacity.
The only solution seems to me to create my accommodation a 2nd time at the reduced capacity, and then block my original one until large groups are allowed again. But I was wondering if there is another way...
If guests want something which conflicts with your listing, then explain it and ask them to retract the booking request. Then no need to decline if guests do so.
You can indeed duplicate the listing (with duplicate option) and have both listings active with different settings and different availibility on the calenders.
Guest can filter on "amount of guests" when searching, so then the original listing will not show up in time periods with limitations.
Hi @Emiel1 , thanks for your feedback! It's indeed a good idea to try to convince these guests to retract their booking request. Though, in order to keep my response % high, I need to accept/decline these requests within 24h if they don't react...
I also think that duplicating my listing at reduced capacity will be the best option, though it doesn't make things easier. It's just a pity that Airbnb isn't more understanding and threaten to suspend our listing while we, as a host, are only abiding the current measures.
Hi @Jan9861 , I do not believe your listing is clear at all regarding the number of guests that you are now able to accept. The listing states 12 persons. The first part of your listing description states 12 people. It is not until you click on the read more that you find "Until 02/07/2021, the capacity & price has been reduced. Max. 1 family + 4 people (not including children under 13) are allowed, in accordance with the corona rules in force."--the English translation. This is unclear to me as to the number of guests I can actually bring, if I even read far enough in the listing to see this statement. Maybe placing this earlier in the description and an actual number of guests allowed would help reduce unsuitable requests.
Hi @Jennifer1773, I don't know which listing you're referring to, since we have multiple listings. I do appreciate your little investigation. Until this morning, we always mentioned a specific number of allowed guests like max. 8 or 10 persons depending on the full capacity of the house. But since the measures in Belgium just changed, we're now allowed to host 1 household + 4 people outside of this household (children under 13 years not included). So we're just mentioning what the current rules are, so people can check if their group complies with this rule.
Just putting a max. number like you propose & what we did until this morning, did result in a lot of refusals, because before, only 1 household + 2 persons was allowed. So if you'd book and plan to come with 4 adult friends, it was not allowed. If you'd book for your own household of f.e. 5 people + 2 friends, that was allowed. So we have to check it case by case and people should be aware of this current measures before they book. We all know these are particular times and big gatherings are not allowed.
I do understand your proposal to mention it even clearer in our listing but on the very 1st line in the description there is stated: "Read the description well and completely before booking" + we mention this reduced capacity in the beginning of the description & at the end in the section "Other things to note". So I think they're informed well enough by the description + most of the guests are Belgian and also know well enough that they can't gather with big groups for the moment, but they try...and we have to refuse to comply with the rules, which results in this 'warning' e-mail from Airbnb.
Hi @Jan9861 , I just gave you my perspective as an American who was not familiar with your rules and does not speak the language... I probably should not have chimed in on this one :). Airbnb's English translation of your listing is "1 family" and not "1 household." For me, that could mean a lot of people as my family does not all live in 1 household. Also, 02/07/2021 in America is February 7 and not July 2. Of course if your primary market is Belgian, then this is all beside the point and I am sure they will understand. Your places are quite beautiful and I am sure you will be very successful!