the Guest who made the booking nevers stayed at my appartment but left a bad review

Level 2
Abondant, France

the Guest who made the booking nevers stayed at my appartment but left a bad review



One of my gests made the booking through his own account for a member of his family (I guess so or a Friend).

So he never stayed at my appartment but left a false review and gave a bad mark (3)

Of course I could answer (and I will), but the mark will still be there and will penalize my appartment.


What can I do ?


Thanks in advance for your advice.




2 Replies 2

@Alexandre806  You can choose to hand the keys over to only the person who made the booking, and decline third-party requests.  But unless the stay is cancelled before the check-in date, it's eligible for a review - even if the guest doesn't even show up. So unless there's a clear violation of the Content Policy, the only recourse you have is a public response and a reciprocal review.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



In my response I would briefly note that the guest review was written by someone who never entered the apartment, has no direct knowledge of the condition of it, and is in violation of the Airbnb rule against third-party bookings.


This should be grounds for having the review removed, in my opinion, but you probably won’t be able to get CS to do it.


 I’m starting to wonder if they can do it.

Apparently the reviews are handled by another subcontractor and they may be very difficult to deal with.