where can I set up a payout % for an existing Co-host on my listing?

Level 2
Springfield, MO

where can I set up a payout % for an existing Co-host on my listing?


I am new to property rental listings but have been told I can set up a direct payout % to my co-host.  I already have my co-host added to my listing.  Is this still an option and I just can't find where to do this?  When I search for an answer I am getting responses from 2018.  I also read that Airbnb changed how a co-host can be paid...?  

Thank you in advance for any help on this.

Kim G

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

In your situation I would ask co-host how to do this -  after all you are paying them for their knowledge and experience including how co-hosting works on Airbnb @Kim2885 

Level 2
Springfield, MO

UPDATE:  With help from my co-host here is how to do it...  Go to acct. settings and add another payout option with your co-host bank acct info.  After a couple days you will be notified that the acct. is verified.  Now you can go to account "payout  and payments" and scroll past "payout methods"  to set up and send your money to different accounts, choose the listing (if you have multiple) and split the payout % to you and your co-host.