I really can’t blame any Ukraine citizen who is creating a listing just for this as it’s been all over the media that Airbnb and Etsy are exactly that- a money transfer service- for easy ways to donate and make the charitable donor feel good about it
Quartz (@qz) Tweeted:
One of the reasons that people who want to help Ukraine are turning to online marketplaces is because they offer transparency around who’s sending money and who’s receiving it. https://t.co/hja8fPwcCa https://twitter.com/qz/status/1501293057668431876?s=20&t=Wgv5wQfYZpc3QS0cbA3qbg
The transparency statement may be totally inaccurate but the story has taken off.
Therefore, if I was in their shoes I would have made my listing for this purpose too especially if I had kids/dependents etc. so I would never fault anyone legit resident of this country for posting a listing only to receive aid in response to this publicity which Airbnb is actually promoting