Your feedback on the new Community Center

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Your feedback on the new Community Center

Hi everyone!


Now that the new community forum is live, after you have had a look around we would love you to provide us with your feedback on what you think and possible ways that we can improve, for example on ease of use and accessibility. 


Click here to access our Feedback Survey. 


We look forward to hearing your thoughts! Additionally, after completing the survey, feel free to reply in this thread with any other comments you might have regarding the new platform. Thank you in advance for taking the time to provide us with your valuable insight -  we will make sure to keep all your comments in mind when we further develop the Community Center.





Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

72 Replies 72
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Thanks so much @Florencia0 this is really useful. 🙂


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Level 8
London, United Kingdom

I have recently unsnoozed mynlisting and am also unable to access the Community Centre from my listing page, it is virtually useless to me if I have to search all over the place totry to find it, can you set up an easy link please.


Level 6
Sacramento, CA

Is there a way to "unfollow" a post?  I clicked in the box that said to "email me when someone replies".  Unfortunately it's a post that is never ending (no one replying to my particular post) and I'd like to not be emailed any longer when someone replies in the general thread.


The old forums had a follow/unfollow button.


I've tried going back into where I posted to see if the option is there but I don't see anything.


Thanks for your help!


Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Nancy2,


You should be able to go into "My Subscriptions" in your "Communiy Settings" and then choose the "Your feedback on the new Community Center" thread and then in the right hand corner, choose "Delete Selected Subscriptions".


Check out this post to hopefully understand what I am talking about:


I hope this helps!





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Thanks for the info.  It still would be nice to make the decision thread by thread instead of never receiving an email or always receiving an email.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Nancy2,


I completely agree with you, but I think you should be able to do this already. If you follow the advice provided by @Dave-and-Deb0 in his wonderful How To Guide this gives a great overview of your Community Center settings.


For individual threads - click on the My Subscriptions tab in Community Activity > Community Settings > Subscriptions & Notifications, you will see all of the individual threads that you have signed up for and on the left you will see a tick box next to each thread.  (See image below). Click the box(s) for the threads you no longer want to subscribe to and then on the right click on Email Selected Subscriptions >Delete Selected Subscriptions and click yes when you are prompted.


Please do let me know if this is not working or if I have misunderstood. I hope this is helpful. Thank you.




Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Thanks Lizzie,

That did work but I would have never found that area on my own.  I guess I hadn't really investigated the new tools as much as I thought I did.


I still think a simple follow/unfollow on the thread would be simple and much easier...


But appreciate the help.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

@Nancy2, thanks so much for this suggestion. It is in the requests to be added.


I agree it does make sense to add a easy access button here. Thanks so much for highlighting this. 🙂


Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.

Level 2
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dear community members,


This is my first time to visit the community center. I am a host from Amsterdam and I would love to use this new functionality. Unfortunately I think it is quite complicated and maybe to extended. I am afraid many users will loose interest in this feature. I get the feeling I am lost in the Amazone forest...


Question: When I am logged on, on my account, is there an easy way to get to this community? Is there a button straight to the community?


Looking forward to learning more!


Warmest regards,


Level 5
San Francisco, CA



Hi Lizzie , 

I hope this message finds you well . 

I was wondering if you could please let fellow CC members know that it is not appropriate to Advertise their personal businesses 

or to solicit for the business under the guise of being part of the Airbnb CC . 


I have noticed several postings where members offer Pay for Services , but don't disclose this fact that they are actually soliciting fees 

if you click on the links in the postings . 


I do not mean that if a fellow local Host is asking for others to recommend local service providers , but ones where the OP is actually trying to Pretend that they are offering Tips and Tricks but place links to  their own independant website or blog which costs monies or fees to access . The CC is set up to offer help to everyone free of charge , not to make money off of a particular expertise 


Thanks for your help 



Hi Joseph,

Advertising is against the CC's guidelines so if you do see someone doing this you can "Report Inappropriate Content" and also tag @Lizzie and it gets removed pretty quickly.




Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Hello @Lizzie.


Too many posts here, and I haven't gone through them so sorry if my suggestions are repatetive.


1) Please include the Help Centre Guide thread on home page or somewhere more visible, half the queries would be resolved without guests having to post their questions if they could reach teh Help Centre Guides.

2) Even better, add some of the useful Guides to the Help Centre, the Help Centre has really basic info, if the Guides are added there, guests need not visit the CC and wait for resolution here. Ideally Airbnb should be mainting the Help Centre with detailed feature guides, how-to articles, but that's not happening. It's great that there's tremendous contribution from the Community, Airbnb could as well use it to make the HC more useful.
3) Please update somewhere on the Home Page about active bugs so and ETA to resolve them so that there are no repeat questions.
4) Please make "Mark as resolved" more visible and so that more users use it and also it'd be great if there's an option to sort the conversations by resolved, unresolved, so that it's easier to address questions that need to be resolved.
5) Please provide an option to see all the notifications on CC, they currently come only on mail and CC shows only latest 10 notifications, not more.

6) Not related to CC, but I had used Airbnb Chat Support once, it was very helpful, it no longer exists, please have chat support even if for a select few hours, it's always more assuring to rely on an Airbnb voice that suggestions/guesses from the community.

7) Another one not related to CC, are all the past webinars available to view somewhere? If not, can we have them uploaded somewhere for viewing.

😎 An option to view all posts by a particular member would be every useful, suppose I want to view all articles by the host who posts Marketing mondays.


Thanks! I hope these suggestions are useful.

Good day 🙂



Level 10
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Hi @Lizzie


It's all in the details: 


When engaging in the Airbnb Community Center, as a user you scroll up and down often, mainly reading top-down. These post threads become really long (vertically) and what I am missing on the website, is a link or button saying "Back to Top", which logically would take the user to the top of the page. It's a small thing, but can save the time and energy to do it manually. Many websites implemented these links/buttons, I think it would be great if Airbnb could somehow offer the same functionality.



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