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I tried this feature when it came out a couple of weeks ago. I thought I would have to create a scheduled message for each and every guest, but once you set the parameters, it's applied to every guest booked for that listing. The only thing I'll have to remember is following up with any personalizations necessary. For now, though, it's great to open my inbox and found that I've just sent a message to a guest coming in ten days with all the info he or she needs.
If you haven't set them up, it's pretty easy. Go to Inbox, then choose the three horizontal lines in the upper left next to "All Messages." From there, go down to "Scheduled Messages." You'll have the option to add a new message or to edit the ones you've created.
When you create one, you can give it a name. My messages so far are all the information for a guest's upcoming trip, so I named one Cabin - Upcoming Trip. The shortcodes are useful. Type "Dear," then choose a shortcode for the guest's first name. Type the message you want to send or paste it in from previous saved messages. (You might need to have two tabs or windows open here, so you can easily access all your saved messages.) Once you're done creating the text, scroll down and choose which listing it will apply to. Then schedule it. The choices are "Booking Confirmed," "Check-in," and "Checkout." In this example, I'm sending check-in instructions, driving directions, and the house manual 10 days before check-in. After choosing "check-in," you'll be given date and time options. The dates range from 14 days before to 14 days after, and the time is of course any time of the day or night. You can also create messages that are sent upon booking confirmations and messages that are tied to the checkout date.
If anyone would like screenshots of the process I'll be happy to provide them.
Here are some screen shots for clarification!
When you're in the Inbox, go to the three horizontal lines to the left of "All Messages":
Click on those lines, and you'll see this list drop down on the left, with "Scheduled Messages" at the bottom:
Click on that, and you'll see +New Message over to the right:
Click on that, and you'll get a box where you'll enter all the info. Here it is in two shots. Don't forget to scroll down:
The message I am getting upon saving the scheduled message says
'These changes will affect 0 upcoming reservations across 1 listing.'
We have upcoming bookings that have not checked in yet.
Thank you
@Paula1023 - These messages will only apply to reservations made after you set up the message. See @Sarah977's reply above.
For reservations made before you set up the scheduled messages, you will just have to answer them as you used to.
@Andy-and-Trudi0 You haven't missed anything, but you will need to keep editing/saving until it takes, I think. What you see under "scheduled messages" is what will go out, so keep trying. I have had a similar issue when editing photos so I keep refreshing/saving until the change takes hold.
@Sarah977 Hi thanks, the message stated the number of bookings I have in place, so I assumed it would update them automatically. So Is there any way to edit the existing messages? I can’t see a way of getting rid of the existing message that I’ve currently set up.
click on it, and at the bottom is "delete template" in red.
you edit them also by clicking on them.
once they are sent though, you can't edit what's gone out, just like you can't edit anything in the msg box.
Is there any way to preview these messages after setting them up such as a test email or preview email? It's a bit frustrating not knowing exactly how it will look and be formatted.
Is there a way to force a scheduled message out? I normally send a welcome note and access code 3 days prior to their arrival date. but just had someone book 2 days before their arrival and no messages have gone out.
yes you can select the scheduled message in question and click "send now" or you can copy to your "quick replies" ,save, then go to messages and send that quick reply to that particular guest
Have all your messages also in Quick Replies and send that out with last-minute bookings
I can't seem to fig out how to setup a new set of scheduled messages for a different listing under the same airbnb account...
does anyone have multiple listings they have set up different scheduled messages for?
Hello, I just starting this up and it seems to be a great time saving tool!
A note of caution! SPELL CHECK was not detected after typing in the boxes using a macbook. I can't speak for PC users.
Hi everyone,
I love the scheduled messages and the quick replies feature-saves a lot of time. I have an August lock and notice that a lot of people can't find their code for the keypad and would love to have a shortcut for the August lock code so I could set that up to go out the morning of check-in. Does anyone know if that is a possibility....already? Thanks
This feature is great. We should have the ability to set up other scheduled alerts like cleaning alerts, change battery alerts etc which would make the platform really useful. Shouldn't be too difficult to add.
Does anyone know how to send a Prebooking message and certain details from the Guest
About the scheduled message - how do we know that it got sent? Will it be in the message thread with the guest when they book?