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I tried this feature when it came out a couple of weeks ago. I thought I would have to create a scheduled message for each and every guest, but once you set the parameters, it's applied to every guest booked for that listing. The only thing I'll have to remember is following up with any personalizations necessary. For now, though, it's great to open my inbox and found that I've just sent a message to a guest coming in ten days with all the info he or she needs.
If you haven't set them up, it's pretty easy. Go to Inbox, then choose the three horizontal lines in the upper left next to "All Messages." From there, go down to "Scheduled Messages." You'll have the option to add a new message or to edit the ones you've created.
When you create one, you can give it a name. My messages so far are all the information for a guest's upcoming trip, so I named one Cabin - Upcoming Trip. The shortcodes are useful. Type "Dear," then choose a shortcode for the guest's first name. Type the message you want to send or paste it in from previous saved messages. (You might need to have two tabs or windows open here, so you can easily access all your saved messages.) Once you're done creating the text, scroll down and choose which listing it will apply to. Then schedule it. The choices are "Booking Confirmed," "Check-in," and "Checkout." In this example, I'm sending check-in instructions, driving directions, and the house manual 10 days before check-in. After choosing "check-in," you'll be given date and time options. The dates range from 14 days before to 14 days after, and the time is of course any time of the day or night. You can also create messages that are sent upon booking confirmations and messages that are tied to the checkout date.
If anyone would like screenshots of the process I'll be happy to provide them.
Here are some screen shots for clarification!
When you're in the Inbox, go to the three horizontal lines to the left of "All Messages":
Click on those lines, and you'll see this list drop down on the left, with "Scheduled Messages" at the bottom:
Click on that, and you'll see +New Message over to the right:
Click on that, and you'll get a box where you'll enter all the info. Here it is in two shots. Don't forget to scroll down:
Hi Fioan,
From what I see on my end is yes, They do see the message through the message board and if it even read or not.
I followed the instructions and I can't work out how to edit a scheduled message. Thank you
We've had success with our check-in instructions going out as a scheduled message the day before our guests arrive. However, our check-out instructions which are scheduled to go out the day before they check out don't work. Has anyone else had this problem, and were you able to fix it?
Thanks for your post. I set this up but how do I see confirmation that the auto message sent? I have someone coming in today and they should have received the auto message an hour ago but I'm not showing anything in my inbox.
@Angela3074 then I would say it didn't go. Was it a last minute booking? you can also see the scheduled messages that are lined up, and skip or publish it early. that feature is in the icons next to the type box.
Hello Ann72, I would love to see your screenshots of messages! We own a condo in Naples and are planning to rent out a condo in Traverse City, Michigan. Thx so much for offering!
**[Name hidden - Community Center Guidelines]
Hi Ann ,
We ‘d love to see screenshots of your messages. Appreciate your support. Thank you.
I would love a screen shot . Thank you
@Lynne469 @Helen-Grace0 @Beth140 You can type @ and the member's username to notify them. @Ann72 Do you happen to have screenshots for these wonderful Hosts? 😃
They're on page 7 of this post, @Sybe -
If the posts were still in date order, they would have been easier to find. ( @Debra300 @Mark116 )
@Sybe - I marked the wrong reply as best. Can you unmark it for me? I'd like to mark the reply with the screenshots as best so it will be pinned to the top underneath the original post.
@Ann72 I unmarked it for you and I think I marked the post you meant to at first. Since this is your post you should be able to unmark them yourself as well in the triple-dot menu on the reply, option "Not the Best Answer". 🙂
Hello. I really need to use this feature to save time. I have 2 similar rentals and 2 other different rentals with tweaked messages. I can not have the same automated messages to everyone as they are slightly different. I also have seasonal and different length of stay messages. How do you automate different messages for different rental rooms? I also do not understand the placeholders, "dear". Does this system fill in the blanks with their information automatically. Also, I have labeled my messages. Is this how the system picks from the stack?Karen
Hi @Karen1497 ,
I was able to find the following article for your reference related to your query, in case you would like to look at them :
👉Using scheduled messages to save time
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