[GUIDE] Alternative solution to create a link for your listings to appear on one page

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia

[GUIDE] Alternative solution to create a link for your listings to appear on one page

The marketing page that was a part of Pro Tools has been removed, and now redirects to the host's profile page.  There is still a way to create a landing page which displays all of a host's listings on one page.


Replace the Xs with your host ID, which can be found in the URL of your profile page.



This is what my page looks like, and I use it as the landing page for the Website button our Google Business page: 





I hope this is helpful

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
13 Replies 13
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Debra300 Oooh that's really clever. Mine seems to have gone slightly wrong as the listing names are missing but I'll. try and figure it out (somehow)

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia



I am just sharing a great tool that Emiel came up with a few years ago.  The titles don't appear on my listings, either.  That's an acceptable limitation for me.

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Debra300 Good to see its not just me. I do miss @Emiel1 

Level 10
McHenry, IL

Thank you. I only have 1 listing but the more we learn the more we know. 
Your Guide brings up a question for me that seems to be a reoccurring concern for the community as a whole. How does one know if the, what seems to be frequent changes on the platform & know how to have a great listing despite all the changes. Not complaining but just a realization I probably spend 3-4 hours a day researching the in & outs of AirBnB only to frequently find the platform updated & changed with instructions to navigate irrelevant?


Question is for those with multiple listings do you stumble across the correct answers, have a management company assistance, keep calling AirBnB support, etc.?

Is this your sole job? Then I understand but if one like me is a sole proprietor Mom& Pop how does one keep up? 
I thank you all for some very useful tricks of the trade & taking your time in giving the community the valuable info. 
 Very warm regards,


Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia



Airbnb usually makes announcements about upcoming changes on this forum, STR publications and the media.  I have multiple listings, and don't use a management company or a software channel manager to manage our listings across the various platforms where they're posted.  I have a full-time job, and we run our rentals as sole proprietors.  Prior to starting and in the beginning of my hosting career, I also spent several hours daily doing research on STRs, platforms and hosting.  A lot of the time was on this forum, and site's help pages and terms of service.


I cannot stress enough the importance for hosts to become familiar with the Airbnb Help Center, bookmark and reference it often and firstly when looking for answers about the platform and company's policies.  The next treasure trove of information is to use the Community search on this site, which contains a lot of historical host experiences, and where there will already be answers to similar questions that are being asked today.


Hosting is a business, and hosts should put expend some energy to find out appropriate and correct information, and not rely too heavily posting inquiries and waiting for the answers to come to them.   

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

Thank you @Debra300 for your response. It seems I have followed your path as I did a lot of research before launching. 

There is a learning curve for sure. I always go to the AirBnB Help Center first. I have stayed clear of any 3rd party management companies or software as well.

I agree that hosting is a business and I'm always in a process improvement mode as well. One has to be acceptable about change management.


Have a great day and thank you again!



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Bettye6 we just find things and/or hear about them here. After @Debra300 's advice I now have a landing page for all our listings but more importantly I have somewhere to put it. I knew our Google page had the ability for a website but didn't have one until Deb mentioned I could use the Airbnb page. Really useful and I am sure it will bring us bookings.

Well you all are what seems light years ahead of me. It’s hard to keep up with the ever changing/improving technology. Possibly why it took me 4 months just to get up & running. 
I am learning as I go. Web page? 
well that would be another search mission on ‘how to’ for me. I’m still trying to figure out how to blend my Google calendar with AirBnB. 😂😂 Though toot my horn I figured out how to blend my iOS to Google calendar. 
I’m self teaching. Go to the all the support pages & what is written though I find the instructions are just not intuitive to me or the much younger people I know that try to help. Technology 😕

I will keep trying to figure it all out but just don’t want to pay a 3rd party to do it for me. 🤷‍♀️  

Thank you for all your advice. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Bettye6 I suspect you are trying to use far more technology than I do. Blending calendars/IOS/Google calendar is all way beyond me. I might learn how if someone told me how I would benefit.

I also do not use the automatic messages thingy for guests as I have a (un?)healthy distrust of technology and prefer just to send messages myself so that I know they are sent.

Hi @Mike-And-Jane0  I only use automatic messages for a reminder of check in (2 days before check in at 6:00pm and checkout instructions @ 6the night before check and both have really been appreciated and helped especially with early check outs and same day bookings plus a gentle reminder to write a review


Check in:

HTML settings
Few things to remember:
Check in is anytime after short code start[check-in time]short code end .
Regarding your visit on short code start[check-in date]short code end.
Few things to remember:
Check in is anytime after short code start[check-in time]short code end .
If you’re a repeat guest THANK YOU 🎉 for staying here again!
If you prefer a face to face meeting @ check in just let me know via the AirBnB app.
Your entry will be the last 4 digits of your phone # then press orange check button on the keyless entry system. The door will automatically lock about 10 seconds after you enter.
Park directly in front of the building in the graveled area
Not familiar with McHenry & the surrounding area? Look at Bettye’s Guidebook in the AirBnB app for invaluable information to make your stay more enjoyable
Have a safe trip coming, hope you enjoy & find your stay comfortable.


Check out:

HTML settings

THANK YOU for staying at my apartment. I hope your stay was most comfortable, pleasant & met your expectations.
If you check out early PLEASE let me know so cleaning can commence for the next guest’s arrival. As this is a holiday weekend & I would like to get it to enjoy the day
A link will pop up within the AirBnB app for a review. Please take the time to let us know that you had a pleasant stay. It helps others with their choices where to stay as well. 
Thank you again & hope to have you spread the word about us & come back again!
It has helped me with me as if guest leave say 08:00 (my check out 11:00 with 4:00pm check), sometimes as early as 12:00 as it takes me 3 hours to clean.  In it helps my self cleaning of the apartment tremendously. Then I text the next guest that the apartment is ready for check in example say 1:30 and this has been used a lot with a huge thank you
Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia



You have a good setup and routine.  We don't accept check-ins on the same day of a checkout because we have jobs, and have 24 hours between bookings, because we can't always turnover a space as soon as a guest leaves.  Plus, it takes about 4-5 hours to thoroughly clean and prepare a guest suite.  Our check-in window is 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., and checkout is until 2 p.m.  Guests appreciate that they can stay a little later than most checkout times, and has basically eliminated unapproved late checkouts.  Plus guests seem to feel that they are getting a full day's stay on their final day.

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

Your places look wonderful. I can clean my place as I have double of everything so besides disinfecting & cleaning every all the laundry is a next day project for me as that is what takes most of my time, especially if the guest(s) are long term. 

I do supply all cleaning equipment on site and thus far my guest have left me place is very good condition upon check-out. I live right below the unit too with an inside access to the place which makes it easier and I have the cleaning system so regimented it makes it easier.

I am unable to find or trust any house keepers that clean the way I want it cleaned, hence I do it all myself.....maybe one day.

Level 10
New York, NY

This is a great help @Debra300.  I've replaced the old profile link on my Instagram profile with this link - it's much cleaner for potential customers!