Great photos can make all the difference in securing more bo...
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Great photos can make all the difference in securing more bookings. But should you hire a professional photographer or take t...
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We decorated the space for our family's needs and tastes because we use it part time. We call our place "mother-in-law" approved. A number of people wrote in our guest book that it felt like being in a home instead of a rental space. Here's some tips:
1. Decorate to please yourself. I have booked sterile (but attractive) Airbnb's and they don't feel comfortable. Just feels like a Residence Inn or an Embassy Suites. I much prefer the ones that feel like you can sink into a couch and be "at home" temporarily.
2.Don't scrimp on high quality items. They hold up better to abuse and use than low budget stuff. If it's particle board or MDF - you'll eventually be sorry. They break easily and are susceptible to moisture. Go for high quality fabrics and hardwood furniture frames when possible.
3. My secret weapon? Estate Sales from upper income homes/neighborhoods. Shop the ads and look at the photos. If you see something that fits your needs and it's in your budget buy on first day. Designers will be competing to get the best things for their clients. If not, see what is left on the last day of the sale (half-price day). Be first in line (In the U.S. you can put a marker down then go sit in your car). If the house is packed sometimes things are marked down 75% on the last day since the remains will be sold for pennies on the dollar to liquidators. Do not forget to poke around in the garage or basement for odds and ends you didn't know you needed until you saw it. Many times you can find things with the tags still on them.
4. Decorate - Put pictures on the wall. Or mirrors. Or clocks. Those things make it feel like a home.
5. Use IKEA or other stores for things that are less important (plates and silverware, for example). Although we found bone china by Mikasa at Costco on clearance for less than IKEA was charging for plastic dishes. We found a full set of Corelle dishes and bowls at a thrift store for $5 total.
6. IKEA has reasonably priced curtains. Use white sheers beneath them - they'll cast brighter light into a room.
7. Keep tinkering. As you find better things, donate what you have been using and trade up.
8. Sheets and towels from Costco have lasted for a long time. When they go on sale we buy multiple back-up sets and put the extras away in case of accidents on existing inventory. We keep an iron and an ironing board on site because iron the pillow cases to look more crisp after they come out of the dryer. (we hang them in the closet for the next time they are needed.)
9. Games, books, DVD's are helpful. We took over games we liked to play but were not attached to (in case pieces were lost) and supplemented with others we found when thrifting. A number of families left notes about being able to play board games at the dining room table.
10. Whiteboard you can use to greet guests. We write the names and a welcome on the board. Sometimes people erase it and leave us a note of thanks when they check out.
11. Put a patterned rug inside the door to catch muddy boots and shoes.
12. Put security cameras on your front and back door. You'll thank me later.
I purchased a disinfectant lamp that kills germs and viruses.
I have a curtain.
Later, when I can make money, I'll put on a steam bath with a shower. But, I don't like plastic at all. Moreover, my house is considered an Eco house. googl translation
I have a few shower fabric curtains in white/ off white. They get changed out with each guest turnover. Easy to soak in hot water then through the washing machine.
Clear liner and cloth shower curtain. spray liner with bleach after each use buy new
if discoloration you can get one for 10 bucks
@Elizabeth2242 we use fabric curtains that we take off and wash between guests. I also bought a box of cheep plastic liners to go behind the fabric curtains. We just throw them out between guests. Another tip I can give you that I have not seen on here is a lint roller. We, roll everything. Lol. Our pillows on couch, our couch, lamp shades, bed, fitted sheet, flat sheet, pillow cases, and comforter. Even when you wash sheets and make the bed you would be surprised on the little things you will pick up on that thing.
Yes yes yes …. These are all things I do as well, each room in my Airbnb has a theme, there is a
Hunting room with 2 Queen beds 1 with deer flannel sheets and deer throw pillows and 1 with moose sheets amd moose throw pillows. And Deer and Antelope skull art on the walls and canvas pictures of Pheasants, Big Horn Sheep and a Grizzly bear )I am a taxidermist and professional photographer so all art work and decorations are my own creations)
Bedroom 2 is a fishing theme with a Queen bed and with fishing sheets and comforter and throw pillows, nautical decorations amd even Nautical books including Moby Dick all in hardback, and even a Boat bookshelf with nautical NikNaks
Bedroom 3 is the Bison Bunkroom with a Bunkbed twin on top Full on bottom all with American Bison throw pillows and matching sheets AND. I even found Stuffed animal Bisons and have one on each bed. As well as cabana portraits of Bison that I took pictures here at Theodore Roosevelt National Park. (An hour up the road)
I also went to Hobby Lobby and found a United States cork board (had to make Alaska and Hawaii) and a sign above saying we are excited to hear about your adventures please leave your mark where you are from and a note about your stay. I as well have a white board in the living/dinning room that has a week calendar showing them when they check in and when they check out along with other guests check in amd check out for the week. On the cork board part is a printed out list of rules and on the other whiteboard side a personal hand written note on white board welcoming them to their home away from home listings their names and the WiFi password. And a basket of goodies (microwave popcorn, chips and bottles water) with a note address to them welcoming them once a again.
yes I have a hideaway compartment under the bench seat labeled “there is fun fir the kids under the bench” and when you lift the seat there are board games, kids books, and card games for kids. I do not have crayons and colorist books cause that’s just asking a 5 yr old to decorate your walls LOL but I also have a collection of kids DVDs movies as well. There is a “junk drawer” for adults with phone books, pads of paper, pens, regular deck of cards and pinochle cards.
mom the dinning room table is a collection of tourist magazines for North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana… you can find these free at rest stops and even an Atlas.
Hi everyone!
We are new to hosting. We have just renovated a property and it’s 95% awesome. We need to get the bathroom painted…. Though I’m wondering if we can commence hosting if the bathroom isn’t yet painted and upgraded? It’s usable with both a shower and toilet and washing machine…. It’s just very dated and looks less appealing than I’d like it to. What are your thoughts please?
Hi @Fiona674 would be good if you at least painted the walls with Semi or Gloss paint to cheer it up and easier to clean, maybe just replace the grout between the tiles, but have stayed in dated houses with great reviews and the number one thing i find is cleanliness, remember the saying cleanliness is next to godliness and most guests dont seem to mind as long as everything is clean and i try to under promise and over deliver so guests have the best stay possible and they will over look minor faults.
@Fiona674 The bathroom is the ugly duckling of my rental, so I get where you are coming from! I took a look at your listing and it is gorgeous!! and right on the beach. I would personally book it no matter what the bathroom looked like. I do agree with @Max144 that cleanliness is critical (paint if you have time--it helps with the perception of "cleanliness") and that you should "under promise and over deliver." Therefore, I think you should include photos of the bathroom in your listing--I did not see any when I checked--so that guests get an idea of what to expect. Tell them it is a work in progress! That (in conjunction with your current written description) will help later with reviews. You could even let them know (once they get there) that you are about to remodel that room and want to get their recommendations on changes. People love when you ask their advice :).
@Jennifer1773 A brilliant way to turn a negative into a positive is with your "ask the guests" idea. Love it.
Thank you for such great ideas.
@Fiona674Welcome. You can start where you are and keep updating. Adjust your price where you are, then raise the price as you continue to improve the space. But yes - I'm working on my apartment all the time and then update the photos when something has changed. I'm wanting to swap out the bathroom sink, but it functions for now (not enough counterspace) and people have enjoyed just having a relaxing place to stay.
The cool thing about the platform is you can update your listing at any time. Enjoy!
If you think that this is how it should be by design, then you can. Hang the painting on an unpainted wall, crisp white towels, foot mat, smelling products and cleanliness. This is fashionable now.
Hola a todos 🙂
Nuestro establecimiento se encuentra en Pucón - Chile.
Cuando recién comenzamos poníamos ropa de cama de color y la experiencia nos enseñó que, la mejor forma de mostrarle al turista la limpieza del lugar, es usando sábanas, cubrecamas y fundas de almohadones blancos.
Las toallas blancas y todo lo que sea necesario será blanco.
Hemos tenido muy buenos resultados al respecto.
También proveemos libros, juegos de mesa, juguetes de niños, tenemos un salón de juegos con "mete gol", ping pon, y un rincón para los que quieran jugar ajedrez, también hay un quincho para que la gente haga sus asados y en el parque hemos instalado juegos infantiles.
Aparte creamos un sector especial de jacuzzi con capacidad para 6 personas.
Les puedo decir que la gente se va muy contenta ya que, con la situación que se esta viviendo con la pandemia, muchas veces el cambio de fases del gobierno, encuentra a los turistas en otros lugares que no es su domicilio habitual pero si se quedan varados en nuestro establecimiento, tienen muchas actividades para no sentir el encierro.
La ropa de cama tienar se blanco. Puedo ver se es limpio y esta es muy importante. Gracias por esta punto.
El lugar de usted tiene todo. Buena suerte con la casa.
Perdona mi si mi espanol no es bien. No escribar mucho.
As a new Host, does Airbnb allow us to put cameras inside the kitchen?