Airbnb favors Instant Book listings by making "instant book" the default setting when guests search

Level 10
Houston, TX

Airbnb favors Instant Book listings by making "instant book" the default setting when guests search

When you do a search for a place to stay in a city and put in the dates, by default, it only shows you the listings that are "instant book".  That means none of the other listings are showing at all, so all of my listings are not being shown to potential renters.   People who have never used airbnb, will not know how to change the filter, so won't be able to see the broader range of listings.  Thus, it seems airbnb is favoring hosts with instant booking, which I believe to be unfair. 


Also, I believe hosts that get to know their guests prior to their booking provide guests better customer service.  They also do their neighbors a favor, by more carefully vetting guests through pre-booking conversations and ensuring guests understand the rules. Please change this unfair policy of favoring instant book listings over other listings that require host contact.

140 Replies 140
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@David631  There are several discussion threads about this issue.  I think this should be posted in the Host Voice and all of us that agree with you can "vote" to have Air BNB look at this.  Can you post there?

How to find HOST VOICE? 

Level 10
Strathpeffer, United Kingdom

@Shayna3 Go to the Discuss link at the top of the Community Centre here, Host Voice is the last menu item.

Some hosts finds IB good and convenient and some hosts feels uncofortable to use IB.

I had read many of the same discussion as Airbnb favors IB, and those who do not use it are lower ranked in searches. And it is not fair for those who do not feel comfortable useing IB.

So Airbnb should make two new check box when guest open Airbnb site:

1)    Listings you can book without waiting for host approval to stay at their place

2)   Listings you can book after host approve your stay atheir place

Hosts who dont feel confortable useing IB wont be mixed up with hosts who do use it and be pushed down in favor of IB users because they would have their own check box and they will have same starting position.

So give thumb up on host voice!

I agree very much. I have just started listing my apartment here on Capitol Hill in Washington DC and oddly am getting very few requests. Now I know why: I got out of IB. 

hi @Melanie115 , so true, seems like quite a few of us hosts are experiencing a drastic drop off in inquiries and bookings, me included. But I start to wonder if it can attribued to IB: there have been several conversations and contributions here in the forum according to which it actually isn't clear at all if IB is instantly and always set as the default search engine by Airbnb. So I am wondering about other possiblities. 

1.) There has been an incredible influx of new hosts this year, thus the market is possibly oversaturated. Mostly, tavelers still take an hotel over  Airbnb.  Just look at how many Airbnb listings there are in any given market: way more than available hotel/motel rooms.

2.) It is possible that guests are simply not chosing Airbnb as often as before. with the extra fees attached, the need to communicate with hosts, the cost easily as much as the next motel down the road etc. with all these extra steps, it might just seem easier for guests to chose a motel/hotel instead. that is possibly where Airbnb brought in IB, to keep customers and to make booking as easy as possible for them. Only Airbnb knows if their bookings have declined or not. We will never know.

3.) Seasonal fluctuations.

4. Problematic listings and ill prepared hosts. Some guess who are seriously interested in booking with Airbnb might get turned off because a host's   description and pictures are bad or entirely missing, like I would not choose your place, Melanie, because you have no pictures of it, just of your neighbourhood. Also,  if a host is slow in responding to an inquiry, if a host  does not know how to handle certain things like change requests, etc... I can see how a potential guest would rather  go to a hotel  instead.  

5.) All this points to Airbnb having lost their identity - and perhaps it now  shows in declining bookings.   

Level 10
Argelès-sur-Mer, France

agree wit @Melanie115 instant booking makes a big difference

HI I cannot get off Instant Book and making my life hell.  Can you help.


Kind regards Maria

@Maria532  When you go to your Your Listing Calendar then to Booking, do you see two options under Instant Booking?  Click on the second one which allows "no one" to book instantly.

Level 3
Fort Worth, TX

I agree that this is an unfair practice if it is true that Airbnb has instant booking set as a default !

It is important to me to know who my guests will be to make sure that it is a good fit for us both!

PLEASE change this policy !

AirBnB has a non discrimination policy, this would seem to be discriminating against those not on Instant Book.


I am on IB, but I am against discrimination even though in this case it favours me.


I just joined INstantbook but only because for the first time in 3 1/2 years I have NO bookings, so I am forced to. At least they added "government id" as an option for instant book, but for instant book I really need at least 2 and really 4 days warning in case I'm too busy to clean and arrange for check in (I'm single and work full time), even though sometimes I could check someone in that very day -- I just can't guarantee it so I don't want instant book. 



Me too @Cathy109 I switched on IB because no bookings and guess what - still no bookings!  I don't get as many as others because I only host one guest at a time and I don't use price tips but still, sheeze!  Last year when I joined I had bookings this time of year - now no bookings!


I wonder what is going on?

It should be illegal. Wish we could sue.