Airbnb favors Instant Book listings by making "instant book" the default setting when guests search

Level 10
Houston, TX

Airbnb favors Instant Book listings by making "instant book" the default setting when guests search

When you do a search for a place to stay in a city and put in the dates, by default, it only shows you the listings that are "instant book".  That means none of the other listings are showing at all, so all of my listings are not being shown to potential renters.   People who have never used airbnb, will not know how to change the filter, so won't be able to see the broader range of listings.  Thus, it seems airbnb is favoring hosts with instant booking, which I believe to be unfair. 


Also, I believe hosts that get to know their guests prior to their booking provide guests better customer service.  They also do their neighbors a favor, by more carefully vetting guests through pre-booking conversations and ensuring guests understand the rules. Please change this unfair policy of favoring instant book listings over other listings that require host contact.

140 Replies 140

@Alex939 if you want to see the Star Ratings of the guests:

  1. Go to your Host Inbox.
  2. Click on the Message thread with the guest you want to see the Star Ratings of.
  3. On the left hand side of the window, you will see the guest's name and contact info.
  4. If you are on Instant Book, the guest profile area will include the guest's overall Star Ratings. (Screenshot included below).
  5. If you click on the Star Rating, a window will pop up with the more detailed Star Ratings. (Separate screenshot included below).

Screen Shot 2018-03-06 at 7.04.25 PM.pngScreen Shot 2018-03-06 at 7.04.31 PM.png

@Matthew285 just one more thing: if some of the guests has a thumbs down mark, where is possible to see it? Or it just blocks the guest to book again this specific host?

@Alex939 I do not know of any way to see the thumbs up / thumbs down count for a guest.


If a guest has thumbs down from a host, it does not prevent a guest from trying to book with a different host.

I think it just stops the guest from being able to *Instant Book* with hosts that require a recommendation from another host for Instant Booking.

They are still free to send a Booking Request or an Inquiry. 

Thanks a lot, @Matthew285

@Jude7 Update: @Matthew285 showed me how to see the guest's star rating, pls. see it below.

Level 10
Plovdiv, Bulgaria

@Matthew285 thank you for your detailed answer. Now I'm able to see the guests actual rating.