Are Traditional Hosts Still Valued By Airbnb?

Level 10
Florence, OR

Are Traditional Hosts Still Valued By Airbnb?

I am a United States (super) host and have been listing on Airbnb for about 9 months now. During this time I have noticed a large property management firm start to 'take over' many of the Airbnb listings in my neighborhood - To the point where I am one of only a handful of traditional (non-property managed) Airbnb hosts left, out of nearly 100 listings. These are the same listings I see on other booking sites; there is no home-sharing going on; no on-site host; no personal touches to acknowledge someone's birthday or an anniversary, etc - Just the same kind of anonymous listing you can find anywhere else these days, and there is nothing 'Airbnb'-like about it. 


This same large property management firm offers these listings at ridiculously low prices when they first come onto the market, e.g., in one case an ocean-front house that sleeps 12 was put on the market for $79.00. If I did not excel at marketing my place and catering to a 'custom clientele' (my strategy from the beginning - I have the advantage of being a former VP of Marketing), I would have no doubt been driven out of business nearly immediately - And I am guessing that other hosts may have indeed been driven out of business, or forced to list with this property management firm if they wanted their vacation rental business to survive. True 'home-sharers' may have had to close shop altogether, being unable to compete with such ludicrous prices.


It seems to me that Airbnb appears to be making itself over into a or a VRBO or Expedia-type site as it prepares to go public in the not-so-far future. I began to wonder if us traditional hosts are seen as a liability by Airbnb these days as they move toward an IPO: Perhaps because we do things like speak up about flawed or failed policies; want to control our prices and not give in to these constant, nagging reminders to lower our rates to ridiculous levels; and have final say over who / what comes into our homes (whether human guests or animals). 


So, I'm curious, are other hosts noticing property management firms taking over the listings in their area? If so, how is this impacting / affecting you and your listing's success? And if you host in the traditional sense (home-sharing / sharing your primary residential property), do you feel valued as a host, and as a 'partner', by Airbnb? By the way, here's an article on the 16 Steps Airbnb has taken to entice Property Management firms with Vacation Rental listings to list with them. Notice that Property Managers are reportedly paid 30 - 60 days BEFORE the guest checks in. Must be nice! This is just one of the many policy adjustments Airbnb has reportedly made to appease Property Managers and get them to list. Seems like Airbnb is setting up Property Managers to succeed. Are they doing the same for us hosts?

203 Replies 203

Thank you, @Oomesh-Kumarsingh0, and thank you for resurrecting this post I made so many months ago. It seems that quite a few hosts are now agreeing with my assessment. Wish it had been otherwise.

@Rebecca181 The pleasure is mine! Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience as a host.Rightness and positivity always win at the end of the day.

@Oomesh-Kumarsingh0 What's your thoughts on David in Colorado's account being closed for apparently no reason? He was a 'traditional' host with over 1000 guest stays and nearly 500 five star review and he was a super host in good standing. Any ideas why he was terminated this week without any explanation from Airbnb corporate?

@Rebecca181 As you know i am a very optimistic person and i still do not believe this was an inside job.I believe his listings will soon be visible but when i don't know.How about you, what are your thoughts on this case?

I don't know, @Oomesh-Kumarsingh0. I was warned about these 'host executions' from hosts who have been with Airbnb since the first year they opened. Let's just say that 'The Song Remains The Same' (Led Zeppelin reference). 

@Rebecca181 Nice reference to describe this situation.But how long will this continue.

Everything has a breaking point."Linear elasticity"

Great way to conceptualize what appears to be happening within Airbnb via this term 'Linear Elasticity', @Oomesh-Kumarsingh0. But I doubt anyone at Corporate has studied it's governing equations. So, eventually we may all hear one, big, gigantic 'SNAP'. 

@Rebecca181 By the way things are going right now it wouldn't surprise me at all.They really have a lack of expertise in many fields.One of them is the introduction of the new review procedure.Now many guests are not willing to leave reviews just because the corporation decided to make it more complicated than ever.

@Oomesh-Kumarsingh0 So true! BTW, you are a long-time CC member here, I believe. Do you know why it is that posts with five or six 'upticks' are featured in the 'Top Post' category in the CC, while posts like this one here (which when first posted had many, many upticks and comments) are not featured in the 'Top Post' category at all? I've seen this happen to several posts that gained many comments and upticks quickly, including a few of mine (i.e., they are not featured in the 'Top Post' category, while other posts with just a handful of upticks are), so was curious as to your thoughts about this. As a side-note, I also am often not notified when tagged on a post, or when a comment is made on a post. Not sure why...


Hi @Rebecca181 ,


whenever someone opens a thread the thumbs ups are counted and the ones with the most kudos show in the "Top" categorie. The treads with most kudos show on top. After 1 week all threads disappear from the top section to have some rotation in that departement.


If You would not rotate, than some threads would never disappear. I once wrote a thread on the super host programm and I got 680 kudos for that. Without rotation this thread would be in the top section forever.


I am also not always notified if I get a thums up. Also, sometimes I get a notification through e-mail, sometimes I don't. The notifications are not reliable.


Thank you, @Ute42. The thing is, every one of my posts that had many, many upticks early on (first few days) *never* showed in the 'Top Post' category. I find this odd.


@Rebecca181, if they never showed under "top", then there is something wrong. Maybe someone overruled the system. I have posts of mine deleted from time to time, I'm the delete-queen of Germany. But my threads always show in "top".

Mine have never shown at the 'top' - I did find it curious, so was checking regularly for awhile. At least two of mine generated close to 100 comments in the first two or three days, and they were never displayed. Yet another mystery, never to be solve.

@Rebecca181 Not a mystery at all! Some posts are deliberately created to divert the attention of the members and such posts usually get at the top of the list in order to make sure that certain posts do not make it at the top for a long period of time.

@Rebecca181 There is only one simple way to explain this situation.If your post is genuine and very educative especially for the new members it normally disappear within a few days and goes into the abyss.