Cannot provide review on our guest

Level 2
Kawakawa, New Zealand

Cannot provide review on our guest

Hi. We just had our first guest staying with us. We would like to leave a review but there is no option to do so. We looked everywhere in addition to the profile section --> reviews by you. There it says "Nobody to review right now." which puzzles me. Any suggestion why we cannot review our guest?

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Brighton, United Kingdom

Isabel - you'll receive an email from airbnb approx 24hrs after guest leaves asking you to review guest. The guest will also get email to review you.

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96 Replies 96

My problem is slightly different, a guest left me a review last tuesday, Airbnb asked me to review them , so I wrote the review and clicked SUBMIT, it  never went it is still sitting there, I re done it and submited again  nothing happened. So I cannot see their review until mine goes.  I  just started Hosting and  would like to get as many as possible. Any ideas

Lizzie, your reply to this problem is much appreciated, but it has been 2 weeks since you posted this and we still have the problem. Someone should be getting back to us on this issue, give us a work-around or something. Seems we host's are getting ignored a little. Reviews are a major part of us getting good bookings, thanx in advance! 🐵

This still seems to be going on ! Please Airbnb check it out its very dissapointing !

Hi Lizzie, 


It's now been a week since our last guest left.

> We've received no email

> Going to the 'reviews' section under the host menu shows no outstanding reviews

> Going to the booking itself also shows no option to review  




The problem as of May 3rd has not been resolved. Please release a general messge to all hosts with the status of this issue.  Many thanks.

how did you sent a messege to rbnb? 

i am looking to contact them and i cannot find it




Just heard from our recent guest who wants to leave a review but has not been given the opportunity.  Last time our guest and us (hosts) were sent e-mails from airbnb to encourage us to do so.  Can anyone help?

Add me to the list!! I can't review my guest. I could before so I don't know what the problem is. The reviews are one of the most important, if not the most inportant, parts of Airbnb. I really hope the guest can at least review us while it's still fresh and talking about their time here! Plus the deadline. Please fix!

Add me to the list! Ditto that!


Two groups of guest left more than 24 hours and still can't leave reviews for them (they also can't leave reviews for me..)


AirBNB!!! Are you here? 

I am not able to provide a review on a guest that stayed in April, my 14day cut off is on the 6th May. I really dont want it to affect my status.  Can anyone tell me why and is AirBnB aware of this????

I text messaged with one of customer service people and he set the review for me right away. He mentioned it usually take 3 days for the review to appear! I think it is odd!

Level 1
Fremantle, Australia

Hi Sara and Justin

I have the same issue - whar number did you text message - I can't find any detials to contact Air BNB.




Usually I get an email inviting me to review the guest and then get an email asking them to review me. This guest were the friends of friends and the only reason we did the whole thing through airbnb was to collect another genuine review. I heard from our friends that they loved the place so was surprised not to see any review from them and we heard from the cleaning person that they left the place super neat and anyway were good communicators so it's odd that we can't review them.


Please fix this Airbnb as that is two guests I've had now who have not left a review. I really try and go the extra mile so it's annoying that there is no feedback which would help me to attract more guests.

I'm having the same issue for a guest that left last week. 😞 How do I contact AirBnb?

Same for me, my guests left a week ago and no review proposal or email...