Edit Saved Messages

Level 3
California, United States

Edit Saved Messages

How do you edit the "Saved Messages" that you can use in your message threads?


43 Replies 43

Can you delete messages you no longer use?

Hello @Kim504,


On a laptop, go to your saved messages and click "Edit saved messages". You'll then see box for each message and each one will have an "Edit" and a "Delete" button.



Where are saved messages? I’ve been hunting. Haha

Hello @Kim504,


It's the page where you see them when you wish to use one when messaging a guest.


Click on "host" and then on "Inbox". Then click on the text of any message. Then click on "Use a saved message".



Thank you!

How do I re-order my saved messages? I've created a lot now and i would like the ones on the bottom (or middle) to be at the top for easier access. Is there a way to do this?

Airbnb did not cover in the Help (LOL) feature. Thanks for this. It's a very clunky site for such a billion dollar enterprise reliant on its hosts.

thanks much. yep - the interface is not good.

By the way, my original explanation was correct when written (April 2016), but it's not completely correct today (May 2018). Now, "Edit saved messages" appears in green instead of red. And -- ha-ha! -- that's about the extent of "improvement" that AirBnB has made to this part of their sad, sad user-interface.

I must agree with several others that this is a stupid place for this to be made accessible.  I spent an hour looking through the listing trying to find out how to get to these. 


Thanks - that was really helpful 🙂

Thank you!  my browser window was a bit short & I didn't realize I wasn't getting to the bottom when I scrolled. Not that the "Save a new message" or "Edit saved messages" (especially) are particularly obvious as clickable actions.  Appreciate this! 

They changed the format and the edit button isn't there anymore...help?

Hi @Cathy570 

It's the browser page, just scroll the page and the editing option is there. Good luck!

Level 4
Melbourne, Australia


Like the other members in this tread, I have had trouble finding out how to add a new msg.


But more worrying, I noticed that you can not go into your saved message and EDIT it.

It is either ALL of the current text - or NOTHING (= create new text). 

If you do a typo, while creating your text, you have to backtrack and delete all the way back to where the typo is, and then retype the text afterwards to where you were up to.

It is also not possible to copy and paste from an existing spiel into the Saved Messages section. 

- surely this can not be what you have intended? 


Having an extra SAVE button choice, would be very handy, when you have just created a great and inspirational spiel, and would like to save it as a template - would this be possible please.


Thanking you in advance for your attention to these issues...



Jytte (=Utah)
Your Friendly Airbnb Host