Guests who don't read the description and then mark us down on the Accuracy score

Level 3
Taree, Australia

Guests who don't read the description and then mark us down on the Accuracy score

Hi Fellow AirBNB Hosts,


This is the first time I've ever had cause to comment here... 


We recently had a couple stay in our Private Room (in our home) who clearly did not read the description.  Turns out they thought were getting our entire home (they are first time AirBNB users) for $64 AUD per night... yeah, right!  


They raved about how wonderful we were during the stay... but obviously this was not what they had hoped for.  


Anyhow, the description we have for the room is very clear in that it states they have an ensuite toilet with washbasin attached to their private room (and it is private), but for the shower they need to use our second bathroom (which is shared with us).  We also say we don't have a TV in the room, BUT we have high speed internet which allows any of our guests to stream movies or whatever on their iPads or tablets (all in the description).  


I am really cross because they commented on our accuracy based on the shared shower room and no TV.  I was flawed, and really quite annoyed. 


I have now changed the description so that now written in UPPER CASE is a request to 'please read the description...'  


In the scheme of things, I guess it's just a small hiccup, but it is really annoying when, for $64, these guests receive a really lovely space complete with a lovely breakfast, and the invitation to use anything they wish...  


We are trying to achieve SuperHost status, and issues like this where they don't read the description just doesn't help.


Does anyone else run into issues like this, and if so, how do you deal with them?



34 Replies 34

Thanks @Andrea9 - and thank you for looking at my listing and giving me some feedback!


I have played around with Instant Booking... and so now I'm just responding with a message confirming the 'private room' they've booked, and that we would be grateful if we knew what time our guest was arriving so that we could ensure we were at home to greet them...  I think that will help too.


Have a good day!




Level 10
Kraków, Poland



Another idea would be to have a photo of your immediate family sitting in your living room with a caption


“As a family, we are delighted to SHARE our home with you”


or something to that effect.


Sometimes I wonder is people perception of Airbnb being "cheap" as in the narrowest definition of the word, they thought they were going to rent you whole home on a short-term rental basis for less than a long-term rental price, pull the other, I think this is about unnerving the host and bending you to their will.


The next time this happens just burst out laughing and say, “you thought you rent my whole house for $64 a night” and if that does not humble them, nothing will.





The Explorer’s Club Krakow III

The Explorer’s Club Krakow VIII


Love your suggestion to " just burst out laughing and say, “you thought you rent my whole house for $64 a night” @Cormac0!!!  


Ha ha... I will definitely do this if it ever occurs again 🙂




I'm enjoying the comments and learning from suggestions. It's really funny (sad too for their smartness) the renter thought he can rent my whole five bedroom and four baths plus sunroom for less than $24 Aday fdown from $45.  I gave BIG discount still not happy.  I live in downtown Rockville close to Metro. Houses are not cheap. Good very professional neighborhood. Normal rents are $50-75 a night Airbnb rent.  Hotels $165-200 a night! They want whole house for $25 a night.  I shouldn't have given any discount. Good learning experience.  I'm new to Airbnb. Thanks for sharing your experiences.  

Level 2
Cotswold District, United Kingdom

Hi Ingrid

i have been hosting our cottages for 8 years 

Many guests do not read the description house rules etc It’s extraordinary 

You have done the correct thing in highlighting instructions to “read the description” Also in your response it’s a good opportunity to also highlight the high points of your listing 

such as high speed broadband so that the guest can choose what they want to view on their device and are not dependent on a TV and highlight the competitive price

Good Luck
