I wish we could rate guests based on their ability to read the information provided.

Level 10
Back Valley, Australia

I wish we could rate guests based on their ability to read the information provided.

I have had several guests who do not read the information of my listing correctly and then complain about what is not included i.e. a washing-machine. Then they downrate the listing because it didn't have everything they wanted.

For hosts there is no comeback on this and yet we don't force people to book: it is their decision.

I feel we need  a way to rate guests based on the fact they don't do their homework.

131 Replies 131
Level 3
Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

Yes, Huma, you are right. I try to keep to AIRBNB but people are lazy. The man I mentioned as current guest has done exactly as I predicted. He said "if you give me 2 days refund I will write a brilliant reference for you, if you don't I will put a really bad one"

OMG - really?

Thankfully he wrote all this on AIRBNB site...more than once. I had asked him to let me know if he will leave earler than planned so we could check him out properly - he left early this morning with no warning and he took the Resort Pool cards with him, they are expensive!

I only live 2 minutes away on the same resort and he knew that...so why just run?

He is still threatening to put a very bad review, I am being nice to him about it until I get the Pool Cards back - which hopefully will come on the bus I asked him to put them on. We don't have post here so we use bus drivers, he was actually on a bus thank goodness.

I did mention it was tantamount to blackmail 'using reviews' to get money back, he started going on about unclean, cockroaches etc, just plain lies.

What annoys me most is the many hours I will have to spend with emails, pictures etc to and fro with AIRBNB now.

That said, I will fight every step, on principle. Too many guests play this game now, like professionals at it, all to get cheap accommodation. They need to come up with a better review system overall. So this can't happen, or bad reviews dont go live until both sides have had their say. I don't know but something has to make it fairer, for now it is all one sided, on the guest side.


Level 2
Troy, MT

Hardly anyone reads the full descriptions or what ammenities are included. I had someone ask recently if this was a shared cabin or a private cabin. OMG are you kidding me? Oh well. Anyway, I have an information sheet inside the cabin on the bed or counter explaining everything they should know. Do they read it? 50/50 on that one. But I have another sheet on top of the first one that reads "Please read the information sheet before settling in"! That seems to increase the participation a little. My gosh, who rents our places blindly and then blames the host and gives us lower then 5 stars?  This should be something we bring up to them and I do when it is rediculously obvious and mentioned more then one place. Everyone should be responsible for the obvious.



Level 2
Solihull, United Kingdom

We got a lower rating because the room didnt have a TV, even though our listing says the TV is shared in our lounge, and another gave feedback that the bus stop which serves a major convention centre near us was too far away from his event!! There should be a way to sense check feedback before it affects ratings. 

Level 1
Denver, CO

I agree that guests don't read.  I had a guest say there wasn't a second bathroom in the house.  There is a second bathroom!!  But in reality no one reads much unless its super easy to read and given to people at a time when they are ready to read. 


I include pertinant information in the email that I send guests just before they arrive.  At this time, they are super focused on the house and house information becuase they want to get in the house and use it.  Maybe including a couple sentences about your washing machine in that email would be the most effective way to communicate?

Hi Michael,

I have taken on board your idea to send an email just a couple of days before the guests arrived pointing out 'what NOT to expect' in my listings, so hopefully that will work. A brilliant idea, thank you.

Are we supposed to provide laundry services 

No, only if you promise to.

No we're not and that's what frustrates me. We make it clear what we do and do not provide and some people just expect EVERYTHING, whilst paying very little. I think the whole concept of Airbnb has been lost somehow and that many people now using the site expect Everything, for nothing. Many of them should be staying in Motels and Hotels where they know what to expect.

Level 2
Angeles, Philippines

The main reason I decline request is people who seem to not read the listing and house rules. If you ask my questions already answered or you make request like more people than our limit I just decline and move on.  Maybe I am in a btter position than some host in that I do not need to rent the units. Air BnB rentals are just extra bonus earnings.

So, what are we to do when AirBnB threatens to cut me off due to reviews of people who don't read the listing?  I am close and don't want to get cut off.


Level 10
Back Valley, Australia

I would talk to Airbnb about it and they can check out the Reviews against your listing. I 've found them very supportive in a couple of cases where people have simply told lies about the listing. I even had one review removed.

Level 3
Vancouver, Canada

I totally agree. It's very frusterating. 


I even had a renter last week that was upset that she didn't get the code for the door, that I had sent to her a week prior and she confirmed she received it. 


I send them a email with the cabin details a week before and I ask a few times if they can read it fully and to ask any questions. I also laminate it and have it at the cabin.


You can never win with renters, but if they ever leave a negative feedback you can respond to it and explain yourself which at least there is that. 

Hi All hosts here, guess we all have met somehow unreal guests in our hosting life! My recent case does not relate to this topic but just like to share with you all. A family stayed in our new house crashed into our garage wall, which caused 40cm x20 cm hole, timber impacted but not broken, they claim through airbnb and asked for $788 for repairing their car! Airbnb sent us the claim request, we just got chance to reply today and now its middle of kid school holiday, we have to put up with this! It'd be such a jok if airbnb force it through(take our money). Just be aware of this kind of issues. We've had negative experience in the past, airbnb does not always help hosts, they get 10% service fee from guests and 3%from hosts, guess that's the reason. We are thinking of withdraw our listings from airbnb, and this case will be the last straw.

Level 10
Back Valley, Australia

I do hope you get compensation for repairs to your garage.

Level 2
Courtenay, Canada

Marilyn, I do not subscribe to instabook, I want to ensure that my guest is a good fit and I feel safe having them in my home; so when they initially request to stay I ask them to read the complete ad and upfront tell them there is no TV, or laundry services & where the laundry mat is and the local pub that they can view sports is located. Some have declined to stay but that is OK I want their experience to be positive, I have had a couple of guests who have reserved although they really wanted TV, they were pleasantly surprised the could live without television for a couple of evenings!