Mass Shooting in Airbnb house in Orinda last night, 4 dead

Level 10
El Cerrito, CA

Mass Shooting in Airbnb house in Orinda last night, 4 dead

Breaking news:  4 dead, many injured in  an Airbnb party house in Orinda CA last night ( 10/31). The house is just few steps away from my second residence in the same street. About 10:00pm, My daughter and I were driving back to our residence, noticed that the street were full of cars. After a while, we heard police helicopters and ambulances arriving ....Neighboor next door told us there was a mass shooting in the Airbnb house few steps away.

The head of Airbnb trust and safety announced that  they will conduct serious investigation, according to the news.

My dear fellow host, I have been posting  many times regarding my concerns to Airbnb unsafe booking process.  My own house has been targeted several times for huge parties/criminal activities, but it couldn’t get enough attention from Airbnb trust and safety 


 Please protect yourself and be safe!

837 Replies 837

@Susan17 To be expected, really. We are the company trash-can at this point, (or maybe the commode?) and seemingly of little importance. What's one more incident of disrespect at this point? Drop in the bucket, I'd say...

Level 10
Florence, OR

@Lizzie I am wondering why this post is not featured in the 'Top Post' category on the Community home page, where it rightly belongs, based on over 600 hundred comments in an incredibly short period of time. 


I remember when that host in Rhode Island was defaming me publicly via comparing me to his 'Narcissist Psychologist' ex-wife - He went on and on and on in a rant that seemed fueled by alcohol and displaced rage. That post was featured on the Community home page as a 'Top Post' until I wrote you to request that it be removed due to legal concerns. 

So why isn't this one here being featured as a 'top post', where it rightly belongs?



ABB discriminates posts as well. (not just hosts).  I have experienced this first hand. When you post on these boards anything that is critical towards them they take it down. This particular thread is far too popular to do and it should be given the proper front spot but don't forget that we are slamming them for their wrongdoings and, like you said, the still have addressed zero of the hosts concerns so far (as usual).


Back in June the deleted my post about a huge mistake (proven) made by the infamous Trust&Safety Team who holds more power than anybody else in the company. They can basically do as they please and if they make a mistake there is not way for anybody to reach them, at least not for even upper case managers at the call centres. My post was the absolute truth of what happened and what this person did by mistake (deleted 6 of my upcoming reservations), with proof. They eventually paid me for the ones i was not able to reinstate but my intention was to bring to the attention of the public the fact that T&S holds way to much power and zero accountability. I still have the post saved in my documents, maybe i will try to post again hoping that in the upcoming reforms they include this team as well.


They make money on hosts but somehow we are nothing to them really.




Tag me and whoever You want if You republish Your post. Most of us have email-notifications enabled for posts we are tagged in, so we can always read the post as an email, even if it gets deleted.


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Wondering why hosts have once again been thrown under the bus. Here’s the reason why! Tonight 18.30 London. Just a quick search for my local area. 51% of rooms are still available. Massive oversupply all over London. Hosts on a one to one basis are totally expendable. ‘They’ don’t need ‘us’ as they have far too many hosts. So if we delist and quit. Good. Good riddance to us.


 And this is  why promise after  promise is broken. @Laura_R is supposed to be the ‘voice of hosts’ ! Well @Laura_R you asked us to be patient! We have been patient but the ‘ten day sprint’ is over. Where is the promised reassurance & update please?




That's the number of rooms still bookable tonight. Don't forget, there will also be a lot of rooms empty tonight, but not included in what you're seeing, because many hosts don't accept same day bookings, or because their cut off time for same day bookings is before 6pm. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Absolutely. But imagine a sustainable business model with at least 50% over occupancy. How can hosts in London ‘afford’ to stand empty night after night. 


I honestly feel the wheels have fallen off Airbnb. There is not an infinite amount of ‘guests’ out there. Many of my colleagues/friends are actually taking weekends away and wanting that luxe,  boutique hotel vibe. Some amazing places opened recently in UK. And they book direct with the hotel as they have really engaging online platforms . 

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Rebecca181 @Lan1 @Sarah977 @David6 @Susan17 


What about this fake listing? The owner Ishtikar contacted Airbnb numerous times, wrote a post, other hosts flagged the listing but it is still live and it is getting bookings. It seems someone's Christmas and New Year holidays will be a huge disappointment.





@Rebecca181 @Lan1 @Sarah977 @David6 @Susan17  @Branka-and-Silvia0 


@Lizzie @Stephanie @Laura 


Totally disgusting. This was flagged days ago! 

Level 10
La Boissière-École, FR








Airbnb’s losses doubled year over year in the first quarter to $306 million, as the vacation rental start-up ramps up marketing spend ahead of a possible IPO in 2020, according to a report in The Information.


The company’s sales and marketing investments rose 58% year over year to $367 million in the first quarter and marketing spend is expected to come in above the $1.1 billion spent in 2018, The Information said, citing undisclosed financial data. Revenue reportedly grew 31% year over year to $839 million, while expenses climbed 47%.

Airbnb has never touched its $1 billion line of credit
In a statement, Airbnb said, “We can’t comment on the figures, but 2019 is a big investment year in support of our hosts and guests.” 


Last month, The Wall Street Journal reported Airbnb saw strong growth in total booking value during the first qu...said in January that it had reached its second straight year of profitability, based on an EBITDA ba...


However, should Airbnb proceed with its plans to go public next year, it’ll likely face skepticism from investors who have grown wary of cash-burn...Lyft and Uber. The environment forced WeWork, which had seen its IPO valuation dwindle, to postpone its initial public offering and get its financials back on track.

Despite the massive losses, Airbnb has over $3 billion in cash on its balance sheet as of Thursday, according to a source familiar with the company’s finances. Airbnb also has a $1 billion line of credit that it hasn’t used, the source said.


@Denis227 That's enough money to create 'Replicant' hosts, a la 'Bladerunner'. 


'The Singularity Is Near...'

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Just bringing this thread back to the first page. I’m anxiously waiting to see the results of the latest ‘sprint’.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Laura_C  We've been patient. Sprint results?

Level 10
Dublin, Ireland

Let's just quickly remind ourselves what @Laura_C promised she and her team of 100 were going to do for us... because "helping our core host community to be successful is incredibly, incredibly important to us"... (of course it is, Laura. Of course it is. We've all seen just how important we are in the last two weeks...)

Level 10
Florence, OR

@Laura_C  I wrote the below on 10-10-19 - A full 21 days before the Orinda shootings. Hosts write similar things frequently here on the forums. It's not right to scapegoat us and imply hosts are in the business and practice of harming guests, as Brian Chesky did in his tweets and in interviews that followed. The responsibility ultimately lies with AIrbnb and their guest-centric policies:


Rebecca181 in 
Florence, OR
Level 10

Airbnb knows how important it is to most of us home-sharing hosts that our house rules be read. They heard this, they know this, and now they have made it even easier for guests not to read them.


Kind of reminds me of the Reviews fiasco last year. Hundreds of us asked Airbnb to change the review process. Many of us offered great suggestions. Airbnb changed the review process - ignoring our suggestions, and making it much, much worse. 


Anyone else seeing a pattern here?