Hi Guys,
In Berlin (Kreuzberg to be specific) and I'm look...
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Hi Guys,
In Berlin (Kreuzberg to be specific) and I'm looking for a Key Exchange. I'm not sure but it seems HoardSpot is de...
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Hi All:
Have just noticed that the platform has gone thru a bit of an update, which has changed the appearance and format of our listings. Sadly, when I do a generic search for my property type (ie, no dates) my listing no longer appears. The geo locator seems to be working, because if I search for an "entire place" with any of my available dates, it pops up, and is in the correct spot on the map.
Have contacted support, and have been passed off to tech, so am waiting on them. Anyone else get bumped off with the update? Can anyone make any suggestions for a fix?
I seem to remember @Susan17 having trouble with geo location...does this sound familiar, Susan?
@Jennifer1421 Sounds like it just happened to this host, as well. Thanks for heads up. Gonna check mine.
@Sarah977 Just an fyi - the new format really makes the rules disappear - doesn't even call them rules any more:
Sorry @Jennifer1421 - just seeing this now (I don't receive notifications when anyone tags me)
Yes, this sounds all too familiar!! (except my listing often can't be found even with the dates entered). My listings disappearing off the face of the earth, has been the bane of my life for years now - happens at least once a month (and every single time there's a platform update) Other times (like just last week), the system relocates me miles down the road, or to the other side of the city, and it frequently scrambles my address.
I did believe at one point that it was related to the geocode, but thats been checked out thoroughly, and reset several times, and it makes no difference whatsoever. I wish I could be of more help, but all I can say is, this sounds more like a one-off issue that you're experiencing right now (hopefully!), rather than the recurring nightmare I have on my account. I hope it gets sorted out quickly for you, because its a very costly, very time-consuming and very stressful thing to be dealing with.
Thanks for your response, @Susan17 . Turns out if was a one-off issue, and not anything like what you've been battling with. A simple update on the listing description has made it re-appear.
@Jennifer1421, same!! I was just coming to investigate to see if it was happening to others. Two of my three listings do not appear in a general search but they do appear when I search with dates. Thank you for posting! Hopefully it is fixed soon.
P.S. Funny thing is that I don't even see the new format!
@Emilia42 Yeah - I just re-searched - still having the same non-result, but previewing my listing, it shows up the old way now. So confusing.
@Jennifer1421 @Emilia42 @Lizzie - Same here! 2 out of 3 do NOT appear in general search, only show when I add dates..... FIXED by editing, as @Yocencia0 suggested.
@Jennifer1421 OMG, No house rules! What in the hell is wrong with this company? We're all going to be verified, party houses closed down, but guests don't have any rules to follow?!?! It gets more unbelievable every day. I swear, it won't be long until we no longer are afforded the choice of declining a booking- we'll have to accpt every booking, or be delisted. Wait for it, folks.
@Jennifer1421 yup, my listing has disappeared as well! Looks like Airbnb is cleaning house! 😉
They must be cleaning house. When I centre in on my downtown area, there are usually 55-56 listings. When I posted this thread earlier there were 48 showing. Now it's down to 44.
By the time I wake up tomorrow, there likely won't be any listings in my town left!
@Jennifer1421 @Emilia42 @Ann489 My place is showing up on an incognito guest search as $527/night!!!!
It's a private room for $28/night!
No wonder I'm not getting any bookings, right at the beginning of my high season!
This is F**ked!
Try inputting a nightly price of 20 times what you charge and see if your listing comes up.
Correction- I input 7 nights, so it's only showing as 10 times my nightly price ;.)