Response rate: accept/decline within 24 hours?

Level 3
Toronto, Canada

Response rate: accept/decline within 24 hours?

I'm new to Airbnb and I don't understand one thing. I've had several inquiries over the past 2 days for my property. These inquiries can be replied to, accepted, or declined. Since the inquiries have always involved questions by the potential guests, we do some back and forth. But this takes more than 24 hours. IN fact, I usually reply very quickly, and then wait for 12-24 hours before the guest replies.


Does this hurt my response rate? If it does, it makes absolutely no sense.

18 Replies 18

Why is Airbnb not allowing me to pre-approve? It says 'Price must be atleast 10USD'. What does that mean? How do I take any action at all then?




I sometimes have a question to ask the potential guest before either accepting or declining so I send them a message but they don't always reply, either at all or not within the 24 hours, and I don't think I should be penalised for that. Sometimes the request is signed by a different person to the one who has the Airbnb account so I want clarification as to who that is before accepting

Level 2
Bethesda, MD

I agree that this is very annoying, especially with potential guests who are in a far away time zone, or situations like you mentioned where I want to clarify who is staying.  I send them a message explaining that I have to decline for now, but I'm holding the date for them.  Since I don't have instant book on, I can be sure that the date will be available when they get do back to me.

Level 1
Montclair, NJ

I’m new to Airbnb and recently had my first message yesterday. I responded and preapproved the booking within minutes but my response rate is still N/A. Is there a few days of delay?