Should I charge a cleaning fee?

Level 1
Brighton, CO

Should I charge a cleaning fee?

I am wondering what I should charge for a cleaning fee? Is there a particular criteria for cleaning fees? How do you all decide?


I haven't charged any fee so far since I usually just wash all of the linens myself after a guest has come and gone. It occurred to me today when I ran out of detergent (like three months early) that bleach, detergent, and the like cost money. I'm a new host, obviously.


For each reservation I generally wash four sets of towels plus however many hand towels were used (by previous guests). I also wash the mattress protector (1), pillow protectors (six), pillow cases (7), fitted and flat sheets, quilts (2), table cloth (1), kitchen towels (2), and every so often I wash or dry clean the pillows themselves. I use hypoallergenic detergent as well as splash less bleach and oxi-clean for whites. In addition to laundry I also use vinegar to mop the kitchen floor in the suite, Windex on the glass dining table, baking soda on the carpet before I vacuum, and I wash the shower/tub, sinks, and counters throughout with an all purpose, green spray. I use a bleach tablet in the toilet back every few months or so. I also Febreze the curtains and sometimes the carpet after vacuuming.


If I use any other products I am forgetting about them right now. 😃


30 Replies 30
Level 8
Hardys Bay, Australia

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