Undoing a reservation cancellation

Level 2
Frankfort, KY

Undoing a reservation cancellation

Earlier today I approved a booking for one of our rentals from another site.  I was at the doctors office at the time, so I couldn't immediatly go online to black out the dates as unavailable on the airbnb site as I usually do.  Within the hour of me returning home, I had received an instant book on airbnb. Naturally, I explained what had happened and had to cancel the reservation from the airbnb booking, as they fell in line second.  Well.... her prayer must have been powerful, because within just a couple hours, the first reservation I had taken cancelled on me. I emailed her back and now she wants to rebook with me, but it won't allow her. It won't allow me to open up the dates on my calender, even though it shows her previous booking has been cancelled and refunded.  I can't go about it "old school" because neither of us have eachothers contact information and it would be unethical not to pay airbnb their fee. Any suggestions?

13 Replies 13
Level 10
Honolulu, HI

yes @Sarah64 is the answer to this question.  There is a way to fix this.....

this would be one of those times when you would call Airbnb so the customer rep can reach out to the guests to help you REBOOK this previous cancelled guests.  This is a situation that doesn't happen all that often, so I recommend that you call them today to ensure you get the actual booking you need.  The Airbnb toll free number is available everywhere if you were to type it in the search bar, but in the meantime, here's some quick help instead.  1-855-424-7262 (recommend you save this number in your phone).  Let us know if you got all squared away.  I notice alot of people write concerns, questions, and complaints but never post a follow up to their guests situation. Hope this helps.

If you feel that me or another host have helped you, feel free to click on the "thumbs up" button at the end of any post. Thank you so much.

Aloha, Momi

Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook

Level 10
Edmonton, Canada

Hi @Sarah64 and @Momi0,


I am not so sure that Airbnb will fix this issue for you.  You take the risk using IB and this time it worked against you.  Airbnb states that you can cancel an IB IF you feel uncomfortable with a guest but that "calendar inaccuracy, confusion about pricing or availability, and extenuating circumstances are not covered by this policy".  


I am sure that Airbnb may let you off but in my opinion, I hope they stick to their policy.  If you are going to have Instant Book on AND have your listing on another site(s), you better be prepared to either turn it off right away when you get a booking from another site or immediately go into the app and block out the dates.


It also seems that you had no problem cancelling on this guest when you say, "her prayer must have been powerful, because within just a couple hours, the first reservation I had taken cancelled on me. I emailed her back and now she wants to rebook with me, but it won't allow her".


I also question the ethics when you state "I can't go about it "old school" because neither of us have eachothers contact information" which implies you thought about it.


I am getting quite frustrated by so many hosts cancelling on guests and then reacting with, "Help, my calendar is blocked" or "why am I having to pay a penalty?".


Sorry @Sarah64 but this "cancelling on a guest without consequences" strikes a nerve with me as so many hosts are thinking of themselves and not the guest who put their trust in booking YOUR place.  This hurts all hosts and the Airbnb brand.






Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Community Expert ~ Experienced Co-Host

Sorry to strike a nerve. I wasn't asking airbnb to not penalize me, it was obviously my issue, not there's. I was just curious as to if this could easily be remedied.
As far as "old school" I meant talking it out, rather than email banter. I have never "cheated " the system, nor do I plan to.
I have never had a cancellation before and been using this site for three years. Things happen. The only time I was thinking of myself was when I didn't get up and leave my doctors appointment to go adjust my calender availability.
What I won't do again is go to a site and ask for advice from someone who has only enough information to make himself toxic and accusatory to others. Lesson learned. Get all the facts dude.



I was working with the information given and "going about it old school" could mean a lot of things!


Moving on.





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Community Expert ~ Experienced Co-Host

Dear @Sarah64


I wanted to let you know that @Dave-and-Deb0  is extremely helpful to everyone on this site AND you did post a concern asking for help or suggestions.  I don't think its helpful to "attack" the very person who brings up very good points and also took the time to correct me as well.  I couldve taken offense to that, but I am not afraid to be humbled out or learn from others.  Its a bit inappropriate for you to write back in such a manner that anyone could be offended by it.....( I was and it wasn't even directed at me).  


Just like we can't control how others treat our homes, or us for that matter, but what we can do is control how we react.  Just something to think about.  

If you feel that me or another host have helped you, feel free to click on the "thumbs up" button at the end of any post. Thank you so much.

Aloha, Momi

Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook

thanks for understanding.



Hi, I am new to this and I was having problems with my site rolling over to AirBNB site calendar. As a result two times the same dates were booked and I had to cancel.  So now I have some dates that I cannot even sell.  I have never cheated anyone out of a nickel and this is really unacceptable to me.  Now since I have had two cancellations within 6 months they are going to grab $50.00 from my next booking.  I think that unless they change this tactic I am done.

WHOA..... @Dave-and-Deb0 I seriously need to retrack my post and advice (ooops)  as I didn't read her post in the sense that she was using another website/company to advertise her listing hence the complication.  I just reread it, and realized that I am absolutely WRONG in my suggestions to @Sarah64 on what to do.  I 100% agree with you.


Since I don't advertise anywhere else, it didn't dawn on me to read her concern as being somewhere else that this conflict came from.  Sarah, Dave is completely right!  I wrote to you thinking you had promised a potential AIRBNB guests who sent in an INQUIRY, not a booking from somewhere else.  This happened to me because the person who contacted me asking me about dates didnt send in a "request to book" holding the dates for 24 hours and I got a booking from Instant Booking.  Hence the conflict.  Which was easily resolved on my end.


I wish there was a way I could remove my advice on calling Airbnb because under no certain terms should you be calling them to fix this issue.  Just another reminder as to why I am loyal to Airbnb and do not post my listing anywhere else.  Thanks Dave for calling me out as you should have.   I humbly bow out and say....."Sarah, please consider not advertising your listing somewhere else to avoid these issues in the future!"  


Good Luck......

If you feel that me or another host have helped you, feel free to click on the "thumbs up" button at the end of any post. Thank you so much.

Aloha, Momi

Great way to contact Airbnb or via Twitter at AirbnbHelp / Facebook

Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Sarah64 The reason this strikes a nerve is because Airbnb gets bitter complaints from guests who make a reservation only to be told that the dates are not really available.  If you read their Facebook page, and especially their twitter feed, you'll see them.  I realize that your question is about reinstating the reservation, but from our point of view, this shouldn't have happened in the first place.  

Hosts who list on multiple booking sites have a special responsibility to be on top of their calendars.  Definitely you should turn off Instant Book since it doesn't give you any time to for keeping your calendar up to date. 

Given the number of complaints guests make on this issue, some of us are a bit sensitive to "bad press" that some hosts create for the rest of us. 

You can certainly contact Airbnb who I'm sure will help you sort it out.  But be more careful next time!

Clare,  I am always on top of things but you know even the best and most attentive people have a problem now and then.  Give us a break.  I have only been doing this for a short time.  I am not perfect but I am honest.


HI, I cancelled a reservation as I rented out my place for a month and it had overlapped with a booking that was instantly approved.  After cancelling the AirB&B guest, I was able to talk to the other renter and get them to modify their dates so I could accomodate teh AirB&B guest.  I can't seem to figure out how to undo the cancellation and I also can't send a special offer as it seems to have permanently blocked out those cancelled dates?  Any help would be appreciated

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @Jay91


As indicated on the above posts. Airbnb takes hosts who cancel very seriously and imposes sanctions including blocking dates as you have indicated they aren't available.


If you aren't going to sychronise your calendars you should take off the instant book option on your listing so you consider each booking request that comes through before agreeing confirming it.


As already mentioned in the previous posts you will need to contact Airbnb and explained what happened but they won't necessarily lift the sanction.


Do read up on how cancellations work (look at their help section.