What does the Location rating mean in the guest reviews?

Level 4
Pickering, Canada

What does the Location rating mean in the guest reviews?

I noticed we had a 4-star rating on location. What does this mean? If a guest doesn't like the location, why did they book it? If a location doesn't match a listing, for example, wouldn't that be more an accuracy issue? 


At least in my case, I can't imagine why someone would have an issue with the location - it's a high end neighbourhood in a park/ravine setting surrounded by nature on 3 sides. This category needs contextual instruction to make it a meaningful to hosts to address. Too much guesswork.

47 Replies 47

That's exactly the thing like Finns (in Finland) never want to rate anything 5-star. They can say that it was very nice, we will come again and this nature is fabulous and then give 3 stars only for location, cleanliness (if a pollen spot arrives in the window during the stay) etc.

100%!!! We always get 5 stars on everything, we are right next to a national park but 20-30 minutes to downtown so we are occasionally dinged on location although our same guests say our neighborhood is clean, safe, great pools, tennis courts etc. So frustrating. 

Level 2
Jasper, GA

Yes, this is so strange.  Hosts go out of their way to fully describe the location to the guest so they are fully aware before they book.  So, if the guest actually reviewed the listing and booked a reservation knowing full well what they accepted, why do they not give a 5 star on the location.  Another frustrating part of the hosting process is that guests don't always review the content that hosts provide and then complain the information was not available. 

A lot of the headache misunderstanding could be resolved if they simply ask questions and read.