my listing is not in search results

Level 3
Tbilisi, Georgia

my listing is not in search results

I can not find my listing in search results (id 1858907), it used to be on first pages usually and i always had 5 star reviews, lately I haven't got any requests, no wonder, i am not in search results on 17 pages. If I zoom in the map on my street (and not neighborhood), then my listings comes up on the very last page, but this is not a help. Who is searching like that? I have  a feeling that airbnb is tricking hard. How can this incomplete listing appear before mine: (id 9325705)? My friend have the same problems with their listings, and they are also experienced airbnb users for several years already. I was told that airbnb has technical problem with search results (they only show 17 pages) and they are trying to fix it. But, I don't believe this. I think there is something else going on here. I am very disappointed!

140 Replies 140

Hi @Clare0, Thanks. Can you please try logging out and attemp the search without entering dates? Maybe my continual hounding of Abnb prompted a fix. Thanks, Jeff

@Jeff89 there really is no point in doing a search without dates, actually.  This is because there are 1,000's of listings in the Sydney area and without any guest preferences, Airbnb only shows 300...these are essentially placeholders until a guest enters more preferences.  


If you are a guest, you know when you want to take a trip, how many people are on the trip and what kind of amenities you want.  Once a guest enters this information, Airbnb then will display listings that are available for the selected dates, can accommodate the number of guests and have the desired amenities.  


So, for example, if you were looking to buy a pair of Footjoy golf shoes on Ebay, you would narrow your search for this type of shoe rather than going through pages and pages of shoes for sale until by chance you found the type of shoe you are looking for.  Same with Airbnb listings.  


On Airbnb, the search function is totally geared towards matching listings with guest preferences.  This link will be helpful:


Just so you know, when I did a search for your listing, I did it in incognito mode and I was not logged in.  Hounding Airbnb would have had no effect on my finding your listing.  It is the design of the search function and customer support can't change it.  🙂


I hope this helps!

Hi @Clare0, Thanks. You are partially corrent. Yes, up to 300 listings would normally be returned in the search. However when i searched anonymously - sometimes with & without dates or entire home or instant book filters, sometimes zero and other times just a few listings (less than a dozen) were shown which clearly demonstrated a problem. The results were different when logged in. I sent those to Abnb as proof there was a problem and asked for the matter to be escalated. They are continually changing the search algorithms & experimenting wi5h different search outcomes in each region and when I have identified obvious problems previously, customer service have advised they can invoke technicians up the line to boost the priority of listings in search results if need be. Whilst they were analysing a problem i identified, they were switching instant booking on & off on mt listing as they likely also encountered spurious search results when using the filters i had used.

 @Jeff89 Keep in mind that when a guest searches while logged in, the search function "remembers" what kind of listings were searched for so each user will see different results. That's why when I search for a host's listing, I always do it in an incognito mode and not logged in so my search is not affected by previous searches.  


So, if you are sometimes logged in and sometimes not logged in your search results may be different.


Are the search algorithms always changing?  Likely as it seems that the boys and girls never sleep! 


Have you seen this link?

I feel lost in the search engine. 

Level 2
Garden City, KS

The isssue im having is that my property although it says its listed if you search for it, it doesnt show up at all in the properites in the area that are available. I have had it completed for 3 weeks now and have gottten 0 views. Have called into Airb at least 4 times and every time they say that there is a techniquel issue with my account and that a manager will be in contact with me in 48 hours and still no calls back. Its really frustrating casue it works like a charm on Homeaway which is linked to VRBO..  I hope i can get this resolved soon cause its costing me reservations..

