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-----------------Updated June 2017--------------------
An updated version of this Community Guide is now available, click here to view.
This is another common question in the hosting community so it is time for a "How To" guide for "snoozing" your listing. If this "How To" guide helps, give it a "Thumbs Up"!
"Snoozing" your listing lets you set the dates that you are away and will unsnooze it for the day you want it active again. Basically it takes your listing out of searches for a time that you set. Your listing will automatically activate for the date you set and you will receive an email reminder.
Steps for Snoozing Your Listing
Step 1: Log into and click on "Host" and "Manage Listings".
Step 2: Choose the listing you want to "snooze" and then choose "Manage Listing and Calendar".
Step 3: In the drop-down menu on the bottom-left where it says, "Listed", change this to "Snoozed".
Step 4: Enter the date you would like the "Snooze" to take effect and the date you would like it to end. Then hit "Save"
What happens during "Snooze"?: From Airbnb: "While snoozed, your listing won't show up in search results and you won't receive any booking requests. The day before your listing automatically activates, you'll get a reminder email that your listing will be available to book.
You’re still responsible for your confirmed reservations while your listing is snoozed."
Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host
Thank you! Soon after posting the question, I found the answer after the word "snooze" was mentioned. Thanks again!
Hi as a newcomer to airbnb I have having great difficulty with all the systems.
ONe particular problem I have is how to block off dates on my calendar that are not available without having to spend a huge amount of time blocking out each date individually.
Can anyone help please ???
You can click and drag over multiple dates to block and unblock them.
AirBnB Treehouse for Rent
What is the easiest way to add new pictures, from my phone or a camera? I am tech challenged, can 't you tell. I would like to be able to talk to an assistant sometimes, how do I find a number?
Will the guests who have booked the villa be able to still take a look at the listing?
Sure. Would make sense.
Does snoozing have an effect on your search placement once the snoozing period is over and your add returns to listed?
So I have snoozed my account for a month but have a few people that will be staying at my place during that time. When they review my place during the snooze period, will their review appear on my profile?
In many of the rural places in our country (which we enjoy visiting) I find that I do not have cell phone reception, nor internet connection. After being on a month's holiday in remote places in Mozambique recently I had a number of enquiries/requests expire and my rating as a superhost fell away. I had blocked out my calendar for the month. It would be most helpful if as a host I had the option to put a message onto my calendar over the blocked out period stating that I will be out of internet/cell phone reception for a period of time and may not be able to immediately respond to any requests - and not be penalised for not responding within 24 hours. I will be in the same situation soon and will take up a friend's offer to keep my calendars updated and to respond to enquiries ( I am blocking off the days I will be away) , but I do not like to put this burden on her shoulders, especially as she is a very busy person. This entails her also being able to access my emails. Is there any other way of getting around this?
I didn't see anyone suggest the co-host feature that is available, which would enable your friend to see the communications through the AirBnB messaging system so you don't have to let her see your emails. I set up the account for our property and my husband, through his AirbnB account, is the co-host. It works well because anytime I type a message he sees it and the calendar too.
If one types, "how to snooze a listing" in the help section, this is the totally incorrect information that appears:
To pause your listing and hide it from search results for a set period of time:
totally agree,poor system
Thank you Drake. I have also wasted numerous hours trying to find the 'snooze' drop-down. The AirBnB instructions are completely wrong, as you stated. Last time I eventually found it; this time I am following your instructions.
Hello Everyone,
Thanks for your participation here. I just wanted to let you know that there is now an updated version of this Community Guide, click here to view.
I will now close this topic for new posts.
Thank you,
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
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