
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Получение выплат.

Level 2
Ukrainka, Ukraine

Получение выплат.

у меня перестала работать функция подтверждения выплаты и, соответственно, перестали приходить выплаты Здравствуйте. Я обратился с поддержкой около 10 раз, они зафиксировали обращение и все на этом закончилось( прошло уже две недели), я им написал сообщения по этим проблемам они их беспокоят, как быть?

Top Answer
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Igor542 's post  translates a


the payment confirmation function stopped working for me and, accordingly, payments stopped coming Hello. I contacted support about 10 times, they fixed the appeal and everything ended there (two weeks have passed), I wrote them messages on these problems, they are worried about them, what should I do?


@Catherine-Powell Sadly another Ukrainian host is being let down by Airbnb. This does seem to be the newest trend for Airbnb in letting down their hosts.


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2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Igor542 's post  translates a


the payment confirmation function stopped working for me and, accordingly, payments stopped coming Hello. I contacted support about 10 times, they fixed the appeal and everything ended there (two weeks have passed), I wrote them messages on these problems, they are worried about them, what should I do?


@Catherine-Powell Sadly another Ukrainian host is being let down by Airbnb. This does seem to be the newest trend for Airbnb in letting down their hosts.




Thank you for bringing this to my attention @Mike-And-Jane0, we are in touch with @Igor542.


