$1000 per year town ordinance, Anyone else pay this much?
I just received this from my town. $1000 a year is crazy, any suggestions on how to fight this?
Just wanted to make sure you are aware that the proposed ordinance on Tiverton Short Term Rentals will be discussed on 10/10 Town Council meeting @7pm Please see towns website for the STR ordinance so far (on main page at bottom) Just two of the new regulations. Please see more in ordinance proposal 1)$1000 fee 2) live in the home or live a very short distance.
You can attend the meeting and also send letters to counselors (their contact is on the town website under contacts) or I believe you can send to town clerk who can forward to them as a group.
Here are the 2 of major concern but hopefully you can read regarding others as there may be more that affect you.
(1) There shall be an annual local registration fee of $1000.00 per dwelling unit covered under the provisions of this section, exclusive of the initial special use permit application fee required by the zoning board. (a) Owner Occupancy of Dwelling Unit. The owner offering a dwelling unit as a Short-Term Rental shall occupy the same dwelling unit, or at least reside on the same lot for a minimum of 180 calendar days per year, or be a resident of Tiverton who resides within a three mile radius of the STR property and have owned the STR property for at least three years
Hi Chris, I just purchased a property in Tiverton and am hoping at some point to do STR in some of the dwellings. I would love to connect to you to share your experiences and discuss strategies about what's going on in this town and the state. You can find me on Social Media - Barbara Boisseau, or email me **