Hi Kara, I think you have a serious case of the listing photos not doing justice to how awesome your place looks.
Your place is clearly meant to be spacious with **gorgeous** views and warm inviting decoration inside. But the poor lighting and low angle in the photos make it looks dark and cramped. Many photos are in portrait, so it cuts off most of the photo in the phone app (I almost never use web interface personally).
I would strongly recommend getting a professional photographer to help you put your beautiful listing under a more favorable light. We paid $159 for ours and it made all the difference.
If that’s not possible, I suggest taking new pictures with a better camera (latest iPhone or Android do great with this). Use wide angle and higher light sensitivity, and turn on indoor lighting - lamps etc. Make sure they are landscape in 4:3 ratio so that they don’t get cut off when potential guests view them. Finally, your landing page should be the best photo with some unique or “wow” factor that helps it stand out from other listings. Maybe a sunset view from your balcony would work better than the living room?
Hope that helps.. good luck with the bookings!