Airbnb Isn't showing up for Hosts.

Level 1
New York, NY

Airbnb Isn't showing up for Hosts.

I recently had a guest who had a dog that destroyed my home. After several attempts to contact her and ask for her to remedy the issue, I turned to Airbnb for help.

Not only did they non provide any help; they requested all the documentation about the incident (which I provided) just to tell me that out of the 1K in damage...they are giving me $89.10.


Then asked me to submit the same materials again to support my claim. How is this fair? It isn't and I'm incredibly let down and disappointed by this company.

1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Mark-Bailey0 sadly it is only when hosts claim that they realise Airbnb will only pay a depreciated amount for claims. As such anything over a few years old is deemed worthless even though it would have years of life left in it. High quality insurance that pays replacement value is the only answer I am afraid