Airbnb. What is the rationale for "Promotion" $ 210 ? Which I do not accept. My price is $100 per night less your normal fee, as before.

Level 1
Childers, Australia

Airbnb. What is the rationale for "Promotion" $ 210 ? Which I do not accept. My price is $100 per night less your normal fee, as before.

Airbnb. What is the rationale for "Promotion" $ 210 ? Which I do not accept. My price is $100 per night less your normal fee, as before. **


**Personal information hidden due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines] - Please note that it is not allowed to share any personal details publicly for your own privacy

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Darwin, Australia

@Quincy @Nick  @Liv @Katie 

@Ian28539, I’m tagging admin staff to see if they can help put you in the right direction. You shouldn’t be publishing personal details here for your own safety, as this is a global, public forum. 😊

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi, @Ian28539 and welcome to the Community Centre. As @Cathie19  pointed out, this is a public forum for hosts from around the world to connect, thus I edited any personal information for your own safety and privacy.


I will direct you to Airbnb's Help Centre where you can find relevant info to what you are looking for. Please note you can ask your fellow hosts here on the CC and get advice depending in their hosting experience.


Alternatively, you can always contact Airbnb directly here.





PS Thank you @Cathie19 for flagging this 🙂 

Thanks @Nick, for keeping @Ian28539 ‘s personal details, safe. 🌻

Level 1
Childers, Australia

Why did you post your personal info yet again?  It will just get removed again and there is no reason to post it, anyway.


I know you want an answer to your question, which you haven't gotten yet. I'd suggest you go through your settings and make sure you didn't accidentally approve this promotion, or it got mysteriously turned on without your knowledge. Where is this appearing? Or is it just a pricing tip?
