Any way not give access to a new co-host who will have full access from viewing earnings dashboard etc?

Level 1
Port Macquarie, Australia

Any way not give access to a new co-host who will have full access from viewing earnings dashboard etc?

Hi Everyone,


This is my first post here and am very new to Airbnb. I have selected a co-host as we will be travelling and needed someone locally to look after our Airbnb. We wanted to find out if there is anyway to not give access to a co-host that will have full access from seeing earnings dashboard etc?


Hope this makes sense.


Many thanks


Top Answer
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Yes there is - have a look on the Airbnb Help website for a full explanation on how cohosting works. @Penny70 


If you aren't using family then make sure you take up references for your cohost and checkout the  listings they manage  and particularly ratings and reviews . 

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3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Yes there is - have a look on the Airbnb Help website for a full explanation on how cohosting works. @Penny70 


If you aren't using family then make sure you take up references for your cohost and checkout the  listings they manage  and particularly ratings and reviews . 

Level 1
Port Macquarie, Australia

Hi Hellen3, 


Many thanks for your reply. I have looked at the AIRBNB Help website and under co hosting it only has the three options. The full co host gives full access to everything and the one below that is just calendar and messaging access which is not enough. 


So wanted  to see if I give them full access but opt out for the earnings dashboard and can not seem to find anywhere that advises that it can be done.




Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Yes it absolutely can be done I am a cohost and don't have access to financials @Penny70 


I can access the listing to edit it , communicate with guests and access the calendar which is all I need . 

sorry I don't have time to go and have a look for you but ask your cohost -  their expertise is part of what you're paying for .