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I am new to AirBnB in Poconos, PA area. Have started facing this problem recently and frequently where bear coming and taking the trash out and creating nuisance for the neighbors. Trash pick-up company once a week. Hence sometimes, trash remains in trash can for more than few days depending upon when the guests left.
Can you please share their experience on how are they controlling this issue?
Any help/suggestion to help resolve this issue will be much appreciated!
@Pk13 Can you not obtain some type of bear proof trash containers?
These are not accepted by garbage collection companies. They want us to use the trashcans provided by them only.
Sounds like you need to arrange for more regular collections rather than just weekly ones @Pk13
When I first read your headline, I thought how clever to get a trained bear to take your trash out, @Pk13 🙂 But to answer your question, when I had that issue in Maine, I had to get my contractor to build essentially a large box with a lid that could be locked with hardware that you just have to twist to secure. Bears can't do that. No problems since.
I, too, think a bear-proof can is the only way you can go with this, @Pk13 , along with instructions to your guests on the importance of making sure it is secure each time they close it: instructions in the house manual and, if possible, right on the can itself.
@Ann72 , I read it that way, too, and am disappointed that the bear doesn't take out the trash in a helpful way. I thought there might be hope for my raccoons. 🙂
Their little hands could do the job, @Lawrene0! Maybe this bear could train them.
Try going to Harbour Freight, an Americab company and buy a jobsite toolbox. It holds 2 garbage cans. It will be cheaper than a Bear Bin.
Just remember to pour a cwment pad and bolt it down.
If you get the bear trained, can you please share your tips! Lol
🙂 I realized how accidentally I ended up raising hopes for all to train a bear
It took a while just to train my sons 🙂
I am in Split Rock. Sounds like the same hungry bear. It has turned over and ripped apart my wooden box several times. I am looking into a heavy duty metal one. Ive just started my search. Let me know if anyone has local suggestions.
@Pk13 We pay our housekeeper/maintenance team to take the trash offsite as soon as the guest leaves. We discontinued local service due to bear activity. Our guests are directed to place their trash in our enclosed basement or shed cans and maintenance takes it to the dump.