Can this property make me a profit?

Level 1
Goatacre, United Kingdom

Can this property make me a profit?



I am interested in buying this property.


Given the type of property it is and its location, what might its occupancy rate be and what income might I make out of it after fees.  Given that the stairs for the loft room come out of the master bedroom, would it have to be listed as a 2 bed or a 3 bed?


Many thanks.



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5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Emma2774 The occupancy rate might be 42% and you might make an income after fees of £1000. Alternatively the occupancy rate could be any number between 0 and 100%.

You can list it as 3 beds but will have to be very clear what the layout is or you will get poor reviews.

Thank you @Mike-And-Jane0.  Slightly scarey numbers there!  If there is such a low return, why do people do it?

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Emma2774 Ah I see you have somewhat missed my sense of humour. 42 was chosen based on Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. There was no timeframe for the £1000 earning

My point was the figures could be anything given the lack of information in your question.

Ah.  Humour.  I remember that!!  I can never remember what the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is.  Thanks for reminding me 🙂  I did notice the timeframe was missing from the earning potential though so the brain is not totally gone.  What information is missing?  I put a link to the property in the post so you have location, floor plan, rooms and sizes, standard of decor, the fact that there's parking but no jacuzzi.  I didn't say whether I would allow pets.  Not sure what more I can add really.  I'd be happy to be enlightened. 🙂

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Emma2774  No one can tell you what your earning potential might be. There are many factors involved in occupancy rates. Take a look at similar properties in your area, what they charge and how booked their calendars are.