Change in personal bank account

Level 2
Zavrhek, Slovenia

Change in personal bank account

Hello. I have a problem and I hope someone can suggest a solution. This year, our government has introduced a new law obliging Airbnb hosts to have an open bank account that can be viewed by our financial authorities. Since my bank does not allow personal bank accounts to be inspected (which I've used in all these eight years of renting), I have to change banks or open a business account for the purpose of renting. The problem is that I already have some reservations for the next summer. (We are only open a few months in the summer.) Do I have to cancel them all in order to close my actual bank account on Airbnb and open a new business bank account to use for Airbnb renting or is there some other solution? (Since we only receive the money from Airbnb when the guests are here, I cannot see the reason why Airbnb could not change the existing account which I've been using up to now.) I've been superhost for years and have always run a transparent activity and paid all taxes. I have never declined any guest and I would not like to disturb my future guests by telling them they have to cancel their reservation. Hope there somebody can help me with a solution.  Thanks in advanca, Majda

Top Answer
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Majda4 


Yes, you definitely want to avoid cancelling any reservations!  You can add a different payout method to your listing by following the steps in the Airbnb link below:


Hope this sorts out your problem

All the best

View Top Answer in original post

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Cannes, France

Hello @Majda4 


Yes, you definitely want to avoid cancelling any reservations!  You can add a different payout method to your listing by following the steps in the Airbnb link below:


Hope this sorts out your problem

All the best

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Majda4, thank you very much for bringing this topic to our community.


Have you had a chance to review the article Joelle shared?


Please let us know if you have any further questions.





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