Cleaning teammate for 1 bed, 4 room house in historic St. Charles Missouri

Cleaning teammate for 1 bed, 4 room house in historic St. Charles Missouri

Hi everyone, My name is Matt.  I help my mother with her AirBnb in St. Charles Missouri in the historic district. She usually runs everything on her  own but will need a hip replacement this year and we are looking for personal cleaning help to join our team. Me and my brother handle repairs that might be needed and our mother handles all the bookings and scheduling for the calendar. We have have tried larger companies who specialize in Airbnbs and they just aren't a good fit for us. We are looking for the same person to clean each time who can help maintain the standards she has built for the house. She's very proud of her reviews. 

We aren't looking at cost as the main goal but quality and consistency. If anyone is interested we would love to give details on the house and what we are looking for with the right team member. 


A basic list would include

Doing the laundry, washer and dryer on first floor.

There is a vacuum on site.

We provide a fresh snack like seasonal pastry for each new guest. Our new team member would take over this responsibility.


She would still handle the scheduling so we aren't really looking for a permanent co host either. 


Thank you for taking the time to read and consider this.


Best Regards,


1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Matt6616  , Welcome to the Community Center! 🌻 


While we wait for experienced Host members to share some sources, have you also searched online to generate leads for a reliable housekeeper/cleaner?


One of our Host members @Gifty5 had shared a few recommendations on how to find cleaning services using the internet. It would be worth exploring those suggestions if these services are available in your region.  View the Discussion about Cleaning Services by clicking here .
I hope it helps and do keep us updated if you've already found a trusted help! 

On a side note, It’s great to see how supportive you and your brother are and trying your best to help your mother. We wish your mother great health and good luck with the upcoming surgery. 



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