Hello, I was wondering the best place to get a pool waiver a...
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Hello, I was wondering the best place to get a pool waiver as well as a bike waiver. I currently own/rent and manage a home w...
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We closed our BnB cottage in March 2020 because of Covid. Yesterday we began accepting reservations for June 5 and beyond.
I thought we were being original. Our listing was updated with an opening statement that Covid Vaccination Certificates are required for every guest prior to them being given a key. In addition to the Airbnb listing, we will include a statement with our response to their reservation request.
I soon discovered that we are not alone with that requirement.
Has anybody else done this? Has Airbnb made a statement about it.
@Melodie-And-John0 "Don't require ID to vote in most states"???? Have you been to the South or looked at some of the new voter suppresion laws being passed? (And, I agree with @Sarah977 about your Hitler statement.) Melodie and John, you all are more than welcome to have unvaccinated folks stay with you and I don't think anyone is suggesting that Airbnb require all guest be vaccinated. We all have different set-ups (some with shared spaces), different personal health issues and some of us have had family members die from Covid. I just want it to be a Vaccination indicator like a "house rule"; "please choose somewhere else if you have chosen not to get vaccinated" - just like "due to parking issues, we do not have space for more than two cars." I do not think that is too much to ask.
@Melodie=And-John0 If you are at all familiar with international travel you would know that many areas of the world have required documentation of vaccinations that a voyager has had prior to arrival. It's only in the world of Trump that people have begun to object. I see the vaccination requirement as one that is attempting to protect the traveler and us.
Yep. I just got back from Bahamas. Test within 72 hours before, test 5 days after arrival and test 3 days before you come back. NBD. It is best and safest for all. I really hope they read these threads and will add it as “check-off” criteria for guests. So many good reasons to have it.
@Mary4369 and @Sarah977 , so as long as they show papers that appear legit, your feeling safer? If you have money, you can get anything you want even if your not vaccinated...
@Melodie-And-John0 Personally, I wouldn't ask for proof of vaccination. But if other hosts wish to, that is their business. I will get a vaccine myself to look after my own health.
I'm sure they'll be fake vax cards, just like there are fake masking exemptions and fake service animal papers. It's an unfortunate by-product of the "I can do whatever I want regardless of how it affects others" mentality.
@Sarah977 There will always be those who do this sort of thing no matter what. But they are always the minority.
@David-And-Kevin0 I noticed on my Airbnb account, Airbnb has my personal email, phone number, birthdate, credit card info, nearest contact and government ID. Maybe Airbnb can add our Vaccination cards to our profile as guests (and hosts) - & then have a Vaccine Emblem, so that hosts only see that we have submitted a card (not any info on it). (I am not asking Airbnb to keep it up to date at this time, but who know what the future will be with variants.) I am more than happy to share my vaccination card info with Airbnb. When I am a guest, I see that staying at someone's home as a privilege, not a right. They cannot discriminate against me if I fall in a protected class, but as an attorney, I don't see vaccinations (or negative testing) as being in that catagory. Especially if it is a voluntary submission. I am sure there will be plenty of other hosts who are eager for guests and do not care.
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Wow! Airbnb just deleted my post because it didn't adhere to the media's narrative on COVID-19. Nothing can be discussed without the government's permission. 1984.
I, too, decided to require proof of vaccination from guests. My next openings aren't until mid August, so that gives folks plenty of time to get jabbed, and I do not allow instant booking. (I also have a five night minimum stay to discourage irresponsible travelers who are just passing through. The reduced work load for me is an added benefit!)
I also sent a Feedback request to the powers that be at airbnb asking them to include proof of vaccination as part of their identity verification process. That way potential guests don't risk exposing too much private information to us strangers, and we don't have to navigate receiving proof of vaccination. Airbnb can make gathering the proof optional, and those of us who want it can receive it safely. If you like this idea, please suggest it to airbnb through their feedback option. The more of us who ask for it, the more likely it will be provided.
I sent just such a request through the feedback option. Then, seeing the opportunity to see if others had the same idea, I joined this conversation. I will delay re-activating my listings (inactive since 03/2020) until vaccination status is part of the normal verification process. It's hard to think of any issue that's more central to the belief in the social contract.
@Warren177 Where do I find that feedback option. I want to do the exact same. My listing is active, but, I do think this is an important addition to add to verification, if a host wants to add this.
In the Help Centre, click on "Hosting stays" and then at the bottom of the page, click on "Give us feedback."
Just remember @Warren177 @Michelle511 asking a person if they are or are not vaccinated to some may be like asking a person how much their salary is or other private matters.
Best it stays private as should one's health information in general terms.
All the best
Actually it's absolutely nothing like asking someone what their salary is @Helen427 .
Many countries require you to have had vaccination against key diseases to minimise the spread in their country. For example if you travel to Africa you need to have the following vaccinations
And a negative Covid 19 test.
Why do you feel that Covid 19 should be exempted?
This is about preventing the spread of this awful disease that has killed millions and ruined the lives of many, many millions.