Why are some listings charged the Cdn. HST tax of 15% and ot...
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Why are some listings charged the Cdn. HST tax of 15% and others charged almost nothing? ie: some charged $30.00 tax and ot...
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We closed our BnB cottage in March 2020 because of Covid. Yesterday we began accepting reservations for June 5 and beyond.
I thought we were being original. Our listing was updated with an opening statement that Covid Vaccination Certificates are required for every guest prior to them being given a key. In addition to the Airbnb listing, we will include a statement with our response to their reservation request.
I soon discovered that we are not alone with that requirement.
Has anybody else done this? Has Airbnb made a statement about it.
Totally agree, David. But most likely the bottom line for Airbnb will be that they continue their world domination by allowing all people to book, regardless of status. Hopefully as more things progress the world unify by excluding unvaccinated people from just about everything. Then and likely only then (and still an if) we might get enough People vaccinated to get a grip on the situation.
I closed my Airbnb in March 2020, and am reopening in November. I am specifically asking to see vaccination certificates before a guest can enter. I already have one booking and they are totally ok with it.
I also think that Airbnb should officially add this as an option.
Thanks @Sunanda0 !
I did find what seems to be the next best thing: under Instant Book, I turned on the "Pre-booking message" which forces the guest to read and respond to a custom statement, which for me is "Because Austin is at COVID Stage 5, your safety and our safety is of utmost importance. For that reason, all guests must have proof of either vaccination or a medical preclusion."
Of course, this only works for Instant Book guests.
@David8028 You can also list vaccination requirements under house rules. This is what I have done! That way everyone gets to read it. I have been doing this since the end of June. I let them know that their safety and ours is of utmost priority, and since the increase of numbers in the variants it is mandatory or I cannot accommodate them unless they have an underlying condition that prohibits them. My Airbnb guests have dramatically increased and people thank me because they feel safe! Help stop the spread! Get vaccinated, wear a mask and wash your hands!
@David8028Actually, I chose the other route--turn off Instant book so I can have an actual conversation before I accept a guest in which they confirm vaccine status. I also added an "Update" statement at the top of the property description. Basically 2 strategies to get to the same result, but just wanted to mention it can work outside Instant book as well.
That's a good approach too!
I did lose a reservation this week because of the lack of clarity on this -- the guest didn't see my vaccination rule and inquiry, and by the time we clarified it the window of availability had closed. I'd love to see AirBNB fix this so we know where everyone stands immediately 😞
Thank you, @Sunanda0 . I have suggested Airbnb do this via the direct feedback link. I hope a lot of people do this. I am finding that guests like the vaccine requirement. One hadn't seen it and said they didn't have proof of vaccine and pulled their inquiry.
Just curious, does your proof of vaccination policy go against the State of Florida law that bans businesses from requesting it?
I believe that only applied to government offices, however, that has now been overturned anyway.
David, that's excellent. Thank you. I'll be turning on this function immediately.
I’ve added a vaccination requirement, increased the minimum length of stay, added a cleaning fee and am booking up quite nicely. You were right, all guests are on board. Thanks for all your help and advice everyone.
I have no such requirement and I am slammed with back to back bookings so I think this works both ways. Some people do not want or can not take a vaccine. BTW the vaccine is not working as expected. I would think it is a violation of someones health privacy to ask if they are vaccinated. I think this won't end well should someone decide to sue you for discrimination.
The vaccines DO work very well. Effective tomorrow, Sept 10, the State of Hawaii will create a QR Code for residents smartphones. Their Smart Travel program will permit us to upload a record of Covid vaccinations. More and more businesses on Hawaii's various islands are requiring proof of vaccination. QANTAS Airlines has announced they will require proof of vaccination for all international flights. The country of American Samoa has announced proof of vaccination AND 3 negative Covid tests are required to go there. Other airlines have announced they will require vaccination proof. You best get ready.
@Jamie362 No, it isn't a violation of someone's health privacy to ask. It simply isn't a requirement for someone to answer.
And good luck to anyone who tries to sue for discrimination. They'll have to be suing federal and state governments, airlines, universities, event organizers, restaurants, public schools, and all the other businesses that aren't going to let you in without vaccine proof.