Hi everyone! I’m Hope, and I help Airbnb hosts in Winnipeg ...
Hi everyone! I’m Hope, and I help Airbnb hosts in Winnipeg manage their properties smoothly and stress-free. If hosting feel...
My payout for 31st Dec 2019 still hasn’t been processed. Airbnb CS keep stating “technical glitch” and give no further information.
I have contacted them a few times and there has been no information except this generic answer. They say other customers are also facing this issue. Is anyone experiencing this or has experienced this in the past? Is there any way I can contact a senior member of the CS team. As the agent on the phone is of no help. Airbnb has not once initiated communication from their end. In fact, I had to bring to their notice that my payout is still pending.
Post some excerpts from my last conversation with them (third phone call)
“I have forwarded this issue to our technical team and as of this moment, we do not have a time frame for the resolution. Rest assured that we will resolve this as soon as possible as it is also affecting other customers.
We have already reported this to our technical team for you. I will give you a summary of how reports work when sent to the technical team.
To complete the report I will need to solve this case. What will then happen is the report we have compiled regarding this issue will be passed along with all the relevant information we have gathered, including the screenshots and notes from my own investigation of this system error. This report will then be added to a gathering that we will have of people reporting the same issue and the technical team will then work together to track all the issues and work on making a fix for the problem. The more issues that are reported, the speedier the fix to the issue.
With issues such as this you may or may not hear directly from the technical team regarding the fix but please accept my assurances that they are a hard-working team and will get this issue resolved as swiftly as possible.
Please know that there is no time frame for the fix and that this case has to be closed first so that the technical team will be able to further investigate. Your patience and cooperation would be highly appreciated.”
Same! Waiting on a payout from December 14th, after a reservation alteration. I am told the same thing, that there is a "technical issue," that they are supposedly working on it, and they have no idea when it will be resolved. I've received other payouts since. I've spent several hours on the phone with customer service, and no one can give me any answers. It's very frustrating.
Iam having the same issue. Payout pending for 22nd Dec. The only answer I get from customer service is there is a technical error and will be resolved ASAP
I live in Colorado and have not been paid for a stay during which payout should have occurred on December 16. I have spent hours on the phone and sending Airbnb messages and all I get is the poor CS reps who regurgitate hackneyed BS, "not possible to pay you because a website but but we will one day." I do not make that up! Literally that is the best they can offer as a reason to dishonestly and perhaps illegally hold on to money that has been due me now for almost five weeks.
If your website is defective that is no excuse to withhold monies paid by guests long overdue to hosts.
Action Steps:
1. File complaint with your state attorney general. Easy, quick, free.
2. Send a demand letter to Airbnb.
3. Continue talking to other hosts because, guys, if we band together to request and advocate for monies that Airbnb legally owes us, we can make quicker progress.
4. Or just offer your own short term rentals through the various Airbnb competitors.
Absolutely shocking that a company like Airbnb who literally is able to exist on the power of public reputations, i.e., hosts' and guests' ratings end up on the internet and thus cyber wall of fame and shame, and thus knows full well the power of people and their well chosen words, chooses to not pay us as they hold past guests's money in their own accounts and do not care enough to figure out how to pay us. Who could trust Airbnb again?
I just started hosting from 24 December . This page has indeed calmed my nerves at least knowing that I am not the only one having problems with payouts. I was so down, frustrated as all means to find out about payment (which I have not even received for any booking) have been futile. I even changed my bank details thinking that the bank I added has problems.At least I managed to show my husband why we are not getting paid through your comments. I felt like I was not doing something right, each time he asks me about the payment. It is a bad experience for us newbies and bookings keep coming now we are wondering if we will get paid.
Brand new hosts have to wait 30 days for their first payment. That was the same when I started out. Look it up in the guidelines and in the information You have received from airbnb.
My situation is a bit different but have had NO support, and a lot of conflicting advice on their thread that they close right away. They told me they were "emailing" me in all further communication so I could submit documentation, photos to support my position. They refused to provide any physical or email address for Airbnb, and I kept requesting addresses to send documents as they would not send via the message threads. All I received were "no reply..www.aribnb.com" emails. It has taken approx 20 days to get the docs to them, all the while we continued communication with airbnb for assistance to upload or send docs. Just the day before we were finally able to submit our docs on this conflict resolution (which we could not open or see at all) Airbnb took it upon themselves to charge us, returning funds we had earned to a guest that lied about numerous situations ("no hot water"checked by maintenance within minutes; there was plenty of hot water, she admitted it was her "fault"?; damages by guest to property; wifi not working when it was, etc). Although we had communicated this to Airbnb, they apparently listened to the guest instead. I appreciate knowing where to go with complaints about airbnb that may be heard! This woman made a reservation on 12/23/19 for 12/29/19-12/31/19 for two days according to our policy and as allowed by airbnb pollicy. She received our home with an early check-in time to accommodate her (she had a toddler with her). The home was, as always, in beautiful "sparkling" clean condition; everything was working fine (we have never had a bad review in our years with airbnb at all). She stated to the maintenance staff when hot water was checked that she was going to Denver (we are 100 miles+/- southwest). That was after her first night at our property. We initially gave her the benefit of the doubt, agreeing if all this was happening to refund her 2nd night and help her find another accommodation via airbnb (policy-she should have called them but didn't). She was going to leave, but did NOT! Her party of 3 adults and one toddler were still there after check out later in the day. She told one of the maintencance/cleaning crew she needed a place to "hang out" until it was time to attend an event that evening. She had hidden her car so no one saw it when they went to the property. When "caught" still in the home the 2nd time, she drove through the backside of the property over yard, gardens and sidewalk taking out commercial sprinkler heads. Why? Because she only wanted to pay for one night and we require a 2-day minimum stay. She tried to get her second night for free by hiding in the home and lying about leaving. What did Airbnb do about this? We were penalized! We not only were subjected to losing other rentals during a holiday, but Airbnb came to the "conclusion" that our home was NOT ready for guests due to no hot water, no WIFI, BOTH OF WHICH WERE FINE!!! Needless to say, we are done with Airbnb now. This woman had been a member since 2016 with only 1 review when she rented from us. I have not seen her review of us since I did not review her while this "conflict resolution" was going on. If Airbnb doesn't block this: please email us with similar issues to accentonlife@outlook.com. We are talking to an attorney now and leaving Airbnb.
Same issue with us, no payments for some bookings in January and the customer service is keep saying they are working on some technical issue.
I have blocked all my rooms as I haven't received the payment since my last guest who checked out on 1st Dec. The Airbnb support has not been on much help. They keep closing the ticket and say its being looked into by the technical team, without any ticket number or anything to give me assurance that my issue is still being worked on.
I did not know what to do that is when I checked the discussions to maybe ask for how to approach Airbnb if support is actually not providing the support. I think we need to take legal action as they are not being transparent about whats actually going on.
Can we sign a petition or can anyone get in touch with a senior Airbnb employee?
As someone said, every time you call the CS, they say they have to close the ticket and forward it to the technical team. However, no updates, no case number nothing. What is going on Airbnb?
I am having the exact same problem!
It is very frustrating. I have messaged Air BnB several times and I get no response and then it says the case is closed!
I have called them and I am told they will look into it and then nothing happens. My guest checked in on the 27th of Decemeber and I still do not have the payment and no help or explanation from Air Bnb.
I had the same issue ... the guest wanted to add on one night, after confirm stay for 2nights and check out, but the payout is not processing as in others payout is pay as usual.........anyone helps?
I'm in the same situation. Waiting for the payout from the 25th of December (peak time ).
Have sent at least 4 messages & get the same reply. It's a technical glitch & have no time frame within which it will be sorted & then the case is closed.
I've received the payouts for stays after that so just wonder why this particular payout is stuck for nearly a month now!
AirBnb support hasn't done much to instill confidence that this complaint is being addressed seriously.
You are right Nandita , we all feel frustrated by the lack of response to our complaints but nothing changes ....Welcome to the club ..
Wow I thought I was the only one having a delay in December ( I blamed it on Christmas ) this is getting serious What can we do about it !!! Common Airbnb pay your hosts....
Same experience. No payout after a reservation: airbnb is saying that the client changed the reservation and this mess up. I am very upset, when I call the costumer service they simply tell me that I should be patient: the reality is that airbnb should be more serious dealing with this kind of issue. I will do all my best to erase all the future reservation. Can you help me?