Can Airbnb provide a valid receipt with company name and tax details if the booking is made by a person?

Level 1
Castel Guelfo di Bologna, Italy

Can Airbnb provide a valid receipt with company name and tax details if the booking is made by a person?


You may have encountered this problem and found already a solution.

A guest arriving in a week asked me for a receipt addressed to a company and not to him (as a person, booker of the stay).


I guess he needs it for filing an expense report with the company, because in Italy the receipt provided by Airbnb has no tax validity and therefore the cost of the stay cannot be deducted.


The situation changes, of course, if the receipt has company name, address and tax information on it.

Even the receipt is issued by a personal non-business subject as myself.


Before I provide such receipt myself (a lot of work to be honest), I wonder if I missed some information of where the guest (or myself?) could input the relevant data and ask the Airbnb platform to provide the right receipt as needed.


Can anybody shed some light on this issue? Thank you


2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You can't provide him with a receipt in the company name as the company didn't book. @Alan2006   (Well you can if you want but I am not sure how valid it would be) .


if the guest wants to claim expenses he can submit the booking confirmation which does have a breakdown of taxes with his expenses . 

it could have been booked as an Airbnb at Work booking by his company if it needed to be in the companies name.  Airbnb won't provide you with a receipt in the name of a third party who hasn't made the booking.

this is something the guest should have checked with you before booking. 

Level 1
Castel Guelfo di Bologna, Italy

Thanks @Helen3 for your clear and complete reply..

I’ve checked the Airbnb for Work, and in fact that is the solution he should have adopted..

I’ll check with my accountant if I can issue a personal receipt and if it has any value for the Italian tax authority..

Cheers and “Arrivederci” in Italy 🙂
