Do I eat all the Airbnb fees when I refund?

Level 2
Okatie, SC

Do I eat all the Airbnb fees when I refund?

Guests checked in & our A/C stopped working between the time it was cleaned and checkin. It’s hot! I feel awful for the guests and will give them a refund. I guess I have to refund them the full amount - which is hundreds of dollars more than I am getting paid by Airbnb due to fees. Do I eat that whole amount? Will Airbnb still take all of their fees? 
thanks in advance!

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You can only refund the maximum you would have been paid.

The Airbnb Guest service fee is not under your control.


Unless you cancel the reservation, then the guest will have full refund (Including Fees)

But you will be penalized for it, unless you can proove to Airbnb it is an "extenuating circumstance"



If the guest is still staying, then compensate for inconvience until AC is repaired.